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  1. haass177_Montinique MonroeGetty Images_trumpoil Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

    Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump

    Richard Haass & Carolyn Kissane

    Since returning to the White House, Donald Trump has withdrawn the United States from the Paris climate agreement, rescinded emissions-reduction targets, and ended climate-related initiatives. But a range of potential initiatives that are consistent with the Trump administration’s priorities could still slow climate change.

    argue that reconciling what is desirable with what is feasible requires a new approach.
  2. mueller57_Michael KappelerPoolGettyImages_merz_weidel_debate Michael Kappeler/Pool/Getty Images

    Normalizing the Normalization of the Far Right

    Jan-Werner Mueller

    History and social science research show that voters take their cues from elites. When politicians who are seen as mainstream treat an extremist far-right party as normal, public opinion will tend to follow; and once such normalization has happened, as in Europe today, it is virtually impossible to undo.

    explores the most common justifications that politicians offer for working with anti-democratic forces.
  3. palacio166_Andrew HarnikGettyImages_modi_arriving Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    India Has Arrived

    Ana Palacio charts the country’s transition from passive observer to active shaper of international affairs.
  4. zizek42_Andrej IsakovicGettyImages_serbia_student_protests Andrej Isakovic/Getty Images

    The New Face of Protest

    Slavoj Žižek contrasts the pioneering mass student demonstrations in Serbia with widespread private resignation in China.
  5. mottley8_CHEWY LINAFP via Getty Images_islandclimatechange Chewy Lin/AFP via Getty Images

    Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity

    Mia Amor Mottley argues that human solidarity must underpin scientific, technological, financial, and diplomatic measures.
  6. wei68_EITAN ABRAMOVICHAFP via Getty Image_mercosureudeal Eitan Abramovich/AFP via Getty Images

    How to Counter Trump's Tariffs Productively?

    Shang-Jin Wei proposes steps that allies and rivals alike can take to mitigate the effects of American trade policies.
  7. james227_Central PressGettyImages_neville_chamberlain_munich_pact Central Press/Getty Images

    Alternatives to Trump’s Russia Appeasement

    Harold James explains how France and Britain can guarantee Ukraine’s security now that America has effectively surrendered.
  8. ghosh85_NOAH SEELAMAFP via Getty Images_indiaaadhaar Noah Seelam/AFP via Getty Images

    Weaponizing Data Against Democracy

    Jayati Ghosh explains why and how authoritarian leaders like Narendra Modi hide or manipulate official figures.
  9. op_malmendier1_ INA FASSBENDERAFP via Getty Images_germanyrailway Ina Fassbender/AFP via Getty Images

    Germany at a Crossroads

    Ulrike Malmendier, et al. urge policymakers to pursue bold structural reforms, rather than clinging to an outdated growth model.
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  1. India Has Arrived
    palacio166_Andrew HarnikGettyImages_modi_arriving Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    India Has Arrived

    Feb 17, 2025 Ana Palacio charts the country’s transition from passive observer to active shaper of international affairs.

  2. Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity
    mottley8_CHEWY LINAFP via Getty Images_islandclimatechange Chewy Lin/AFP via Getty Images

    Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity

    Feb 17, 2025 Mia Amor Mottley argues that human solidarity must underpin scientific, technological, financial, and diplomatic measures.

  3. Normalizing the Normalization of the Far Right
    mueller57_Michael KappelerPoolGettyImages_merz_weidel_debate Michael Kappeler/Pool/Getty Images

    Normalizing the Normalization of the Far Right

    Feb 17, 2025 Jan-Werner Mueller explores the most common justifications that politicians offer for working with anti-democratic forces.

  4. Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump
    haass177_Montinique MonroeGetty Images_trumpoil Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

    Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump

    Feb 17, 2025 Richard Haass & Carolyn Kissane argue that reconciling what is desirable with what is feasible requires a new approach.

  5. The Fight for Syria
    benami222_Dia ImagesGettyImages_al-sharaa_erdogan Dia Images/Getty Images

    The Fight for Syria

    Feb 14, 2025 Shlomo Ben-Ami worries that Israel and Turkey, with their clashing ambitions, could undermine the country’s stability.


  1. op_malmendier1_ INA FASSBENDERAFP via Getty Images_germanyrailway Ina Fassbender/AFP via Getty Images

    Germany at a Crossroads

    Ulrike Malmendier, et al. urge policymakers to pursue bold structural reforms, rather than clinging to an outdated growth model.
  2. GettyImages-2196139559

    Daniel Gros on DeepSeek, Germany's malaise, EU competitiveness, and more

    Daniel Gros hopes that a Chinese startup's apparent AI breakthrough will provide a much-needed boost to European competitiveness, advises the EU on how to deal with Donald Trump, urges Europe to improve conditions for bottom-up innovation, and more.
  3. op_shafik2_ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDSAFP via Getty Images_trumpvance Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images

    World Order in a Time of Monsters

    Minouche Shafik highlights the critical importance of reinvigorating social contracts at the national level.
  4. op_pei3_Hulton-Deutsch CollectionCORBISCorbis via Getty Images_zhouenlai Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis via Getty Images

    The Tragedy of Zhou Enlai

    Minxin Pei reflects on the complicated life and legacy of the renowned diplomat who was Mao Zedong’s dutiful lieutenant.
  5. GettyImages-1322520591

    Yi Fuxian on China's decision-making, economic prospects, demographic crisis, and more

    Yi Fuxian warns that China's government and mainstream analysts are still underestimating the severity of the country's demographic crisis, identifies some of the gravest policy mistakes Donald Trump's administration is at risk of making vis-a-vis China, explains why China’s middle class will never be strong enough to bring about a democratic transition, and more.
  6. op_bivens1_JIM WATSONAFP via Getty Images_bidenworkers Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

    America’s Workers Are About to Be Forgotten Again

    Josh Bivens & Heidi Shierholz contrast the Biden administration's pro-worker policies with what Donald Trump is likely to do.

The world’s diplomatic, political, and economic divisions continue to harden – both between countries and within them. Whereas 2022 and 2023 featured a war of attrition in Ukraine, we have since entered a broader world of attrition, with zero-sum conflicts multiplying across the board.

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  1. perincek1_RODGER BOSCHAFP via Getty Images_africarareearthmine Rodger Bosch/AFP via Getty Images

    Ensuring Europe’s Supply of Critical Minerals

    Rüya Perincek & Andreas Goldthau call for coordinated funding, resource diplomacy, and secondary material partnerships to boost recycling.
  2. wagner31_Westend61Getty Images_climatependulum Westend61/Getty Images

    The Climate Policy Pendulum

    Gernot Wagner notes that green technologies retain their many advantages, regardless of national political developments.
  3. barral1_CARL DE SOUZAAFP via Getty Images_brazilsolarpower Carl de Souza/AFP via Getty Images

    What Climate Justice Means for Latin America and the Caribbean

    Thiago Barral & Woochong Um urge policymakers to work with key stakeholders to accelerate the uptake of renewables.

Opinion that Moves

  1. Shang-Jin Wei How to Counter Trump's Tariffs Productively?
  2. Lee Jong-Wha Reaping Asia’s Silver Demographic Dividend
  3. Desmond Lachman Trump’s Looming Deficit Disaster
  4. Barry Eichengreen Will US Export Restrictions Work?

  1. Ana Palacio India Has Arrived
  2. Jan-Werner Mueller Normalizing the Normalization of the Far Right
  3. Shlomo Ben-Ami The Fight for Syria
  4. Jayati Ghosh Weaponizing Data Against Democracy

  1. Gordon Brown A Reformed WHO Should Make Its Case to America
  2. Peter Singer “America First” in Action
  3. Daniel M. Franks, et al. Africa Needs Mineral Security, Too
  4. Jayasree K. Iyer Climate Displacement Is Also a Health Crisis

  1. Mia Amor Mottley Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity
  2. Richard Haass, et al. Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump
  3. Carlos Nobre, et al. The Amazon’s Future Will Be Decided in 2025
  4. Serge Ekué, et al. Getting Green Investment Where It’s Needed Most

  1. Kate Kallot The Global South Needs to Own Its AI Revolution
  2. Mariana Mazzucato, et al. Governing AI for the Public Interest
  3. Anne Bouverot Bending the Arc of AI Development Toward Shared Progress
  4. Charles Ferguson The Crisis in Western AI Is Real

  1. Slavoj Žižek Fundamentalist Perverts
  2. Ian Buruma Ukraine’s Existential Culture War
  3. Helen Prejean An Injustice That Biden Can Still Set Right
  4. Peter Singer Australia’s Great Social-Media Experiment

Africa’s economic rise is a world-changing development, but the sources of its emerging strength – and lingering weaknesses – are little understood. W…

  1. Daniel M. Franks, et al. Africa Needs Mineral Security, Too
  2. Rim Berahab, et al. How to Make Carbon Pricing Work for Africa
  3. Pascal Lamy, et al. The Key to Narrowing the Development Gap

Today’s media landscape is littered with landmines: open hostility from illiberal and autocratic regimes, mounting censorship in countries such as Hungary, Turkey,…

  1. J. Bradford DeLong Trump’s Smoke and Mirrors
  2. Karen Rønde Danish Media’s United Stand Against Big Tech
  3. Robin Berjon Social Media as It Should Be

As the COVID-19 crisis escalates, PS commentators assess its implications for the economy, propose policy responses, and consider what might – and sho…

  1. Jan-Werner Mueller Confronting the Pandemic’s Toxic Political Legacy
  2. Brahma Chellaney Will Trump Crack the Mystery of COVID’s Origin?
  3. Antara Haldar COVID’s Lessons Have All Been Forgotten