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Curated collections of commentaries not just on topics in the news, but also on the deeper issues driving the news.

Sunrise Johannesburg Africa BFG Images/Getty Images

349 commentaries, Updated on 3 Feb 2025

Africa’s economic rise is a world-changing development, but the sources of its emerging strength – and lingering weaknesses – are little understood. W…

  1. Daniel M. Franks, et al. Africa Needs Mineral Security, Too
  2. Rim Berahab, et al. How to Make Carbon Pricing Work for Africa
  3. Pascal Lamy, et al. The Key to Narrowing the Development Gap
Israel Hamas Topic_Mohammed DahmanGetty Images Mohammed Dahman/Getty Images.

77 commentaries, Updated on 16 Dec 2024

Project Syndicate commentaries on the conflict in Gaza following the October 7, 2023, Hamas attacks on Israel.

  1. Dennis Ross Will Stability Rise from the Middle East Rubble?
  2. Daoud Kuttab Trump’s Middle East Challenge
  3. Richard Haass A New Chance for the Middle East
elections topic_Dragon ClawsGetty Images Dragon Claws/Getty Images

134 commentaries, Updated on 30 Dec 2024

Project Syndicate commentaries on the issues and trends shaping the biggest global election year in history.

  1. Ngaire Woods A Politics of Hope Is Our Best Hope
  2. Sergei Guriev AI Has Not Yet Destroyed Democracy
  3. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Three Cheers for Namibia’s First Female President
topic_the female voice_Kena Betancur_woman fist to sky Kena Betancur/Getty Images

147 commentaries, Updated on 11 Dec 2024

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Project Syndicate is highlighting a selection of insightful commentaries written by female contributors on iss…

  1. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Three Cheers for Namibia’s First Female President
  2. María Fernanda Espinosa Did COP29 Fail Women?
  3. Xianghong Wang The Second Glass Ceiling for Women
GettyImages-532453858 Chuck Savage/Getty Images

40 commentaries, Updated on 31 Jan 2025

In Finance of the Future, Project Syndicate, with support from Circle, brings together leading experts, innovators, regulators, and more to examine th…

  1. Lucrezia Reichlin Will Crypto Save the Dollar?
  2. Carl Manlan, et al. Fintech Must Embrace Universal Inclusion
  3. Andrés Velasco Crypto’s Unholy Choir
topic page_Climate Justice_Marco Cantile_LightRocket Via Getty Marco Cantile/LightRocket via Getty Images

113 commentaries, Updated on 17 Feb 2025

As former Irish President Mary Robinson and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu pointed out nearly a decade ago, “climate change is a matter of ju…

  1. Mia Amor Mottley Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity
  2. Serge Ekué, et al. Getting Green Investment Where It’s Needed Most
  3. Rim Berahab, et al. How to Make Carbon Pricing Work for Africa
Putin's War on Ukraine

484 commentaries, Updated on 14 Feb 2025

Russia has failed to achieve the quick victory in Ukraine for which it apparently hoped, but a prolonged war of attrition would amount to a different …

  1. Harold James Alternatives to Trump’s Russia Appeasement
  2. Håvard Halland, et al. Norway Should Cede Its War Windfall to Ukraine
  3. Anders Åslund Putin’s War Is Fueling Russian Stagflation
The Light Bulb

62 commentaries, Updated on 13 Jan 2025

In The New Enlightenment, Project Syndicate, in partnership with The New Institute, brings together leading experts, academics, practitioners, and pol…

  1. Yana Gevorgyan AI Alone Won’t Save the Planet
  2. Mariana Mazzucato Collective Intelligence and the Common Good
  3. James Livingston Two Cheers for Identity Politics

65 commentaries, Updated on 6 Feb 2025

Activists, campaigners, and other experts consider how to support freedom, justice, and human dignity globally.

  1. Peter Singer “America First” in Action
  2. Melissa Parke The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
  3. Lilian Coral, et al. Texas’s Online Age-Verification Law Must Be Overturned
AI topic bymuratdeniz/Getty Images

142 commentaries, Updated on 12 Feb 2025

PS commentators consider how to seize the opportunities and mitigate the risks created by artificial intelligence.

  1. Kate Kallot The Global South Needs to Own Its AI Revolution
  2. Mariana Mazzucato, et al. Governing AI for the Public Interest
  3. Anne Bouverot Bending the Arc of AI Development Toward Shared Progress
topic_democracy_Comstock-Images_person-voting Comstock Images/Getty Images

299 commentaries, Updated on 14 Feb 2025

Project Syndicate commentaries on the growing threats to liberal democracy, open societies, and the rule of law around the world.

  1. Jayati Ghosh Weaponizing Data Against Democracy
  2. Slavoj Žižek The New Face of Protest
  3. Kaushik Basu Playing at Democracy

141 commentaries, Updated on 7 Feb 2025

Today’s media landscape is littered with landmines: open hostility from illiberal and autocratic regimes, mounting censorship in countries such as Hungary, Turkey,…

  1. J. Bradford DeLong Trump’s Smoke and Mirrors
  2. Karen Rønde Danish Media’s United Stand Against Big Tech
  3. Robin Berjon Social Media as It Should Be
  1. fischer225_Picture AllianceGettyImages_jd_vance_msc Picture Alliance/Getty Images

    Trump’s Surprise Attack on Europe

    Joschka Fischer thinks the continent has become a sitting duck in the face of the US administration’s strategic revisionism
  2. palacio166_Andrew HarnikGettyImages_modi_arriving Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    India Has Arrived

    Ana Palacio charts the country’s transition from passive observer to active shaper of international affairs.
  3. mottley8_CHEWY LINAFP via Getty Images_islandclimatechange Chewy Lin/AFP via Getty Images

    Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity

    Mia Amor Mottley argues that human solidarity must underpin scientific, technological, financial, and diplomatic measures.
  4. mueller57_Michael KappelerPoolGettyImages_merz_weidel_debate Michael Kappeler/Pool/Getty Images

    Normalizing the Normalization of the Far Right

    Jan-Werner Mueller

    History and social science research show that voters take their cues from elites. When politicians who are seen as mainstream treat an extremist far-right party as normal, public opinion will tend to follow; and once such normalization has happened, as in Europe today, it is virtually impossible to undo.

    explores the most common justifications that politicians offer for working with anti-democratic forces.
  5. haass177_Montinique MonroeGetty Images_trumpoil Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

    Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump

    Richard Haass & Carolyn Kissane

    Since returning to the White House, Donald Trump has withdrawn the United States from the Paris climate agreement, rescinded emissions-reduction targets, and ended climate-related initiatives. But a range of potential initiatives that are consistent with the Trump administration’s priorities could still slow climate change.

    argue that reconciling what is desirable with what is feasible requires a new approach.
  6. benami222_Dia ImagesGettyImages_al-sharaa_erdogan Dia Images/Getty Images

    The Fight for Syria

    Shlomo Ben-Ami worries that Israel and Turkey, with their clashing ambitions, could undermine the country’s stability.
  7. wei68_EITAN ABRAMOVICHAFP via Getty Image_mercosureudeal Eitan Abramovich/AFP via Getty Images

    How to Counter Trump's Tariffs Productively?

    Shang-Jin Wei proposes steps that allies and rivals alike can take to mitigate the effects of American trade policies.
  8. ghosh85_NOAH SEELAMAFP via Getty Images_indiaaadhaar Noah Seelam/AFP via Getty Images

    Weaponizing Data Against Democracy

    Jayati Ghosh explains why and how authoritarian leaders like Narendra Modi hide or manipulate official figures.
  9. james227_Central PressGettyImages_neville_chamberlain_munich_pact Central Press/Getty Images

    Alternatives to Trump’s Russia Appeasement

    Harold James explains how France and Britain can guarantee Ukraine’s security now that America has effectively surrendered.

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