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  1. mazzucato71 GettyImages-2159148172_AW Getty Images

    The Water-Security Crisis

    Mariana Mazzucato, et al.

    Increasingly severe water shortages represent a human-made crisis that can be resolved through human interventions. The situation demands new thinking about the economics of this critical resource and how to manage it through mission-oriented strategies that span all levels of governance.

    call attention to a global problem that demands far more attention from policymakers at all levels.
  2. bremmer34_Anna MoneymakerGetty Images_harrissouthkorea Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

    What Is Kamala Harris’s Foreign Policy?

    Ian Bremmer

    Although Kamala Harris is largely aligned with Joe Biden on many global and strategic issues, her unique worldview promises a distinct form of leadership on the international stage. Not only would US foreign policy shift under a Harris administration; it could change in highly consequential ways.

    considers how the Democratic presidential nominees' views compare to Joe Biden's.
  3. brown111_ALAIN JOCARDPOOLAFP via Getty Images_mpox ALAIN JOCARD/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

    The High Cost of the Netherlands’ Mpox Vaccine Hoarding

    Gordon Brown condemns European populists’ failure to heed the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. charap3_ TATYANA MAKEYEVAAFP via Getty Images)_kursk TATYANA MAKEYEVA/AFP via Getty Images)

    How to Make the Most of the Kursk Gambit

    Samuel Charap & Charles A. Kupchan think Ukraine and its partners have a big opportunity to start working toward a negotiated end to the war.
  5. nye261_Kevin DietschGetty Images_us election Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

    US Foreign Policy in 2025

    Joseph S. Nye, Jr. compares the two presidential candidates’ attitudes and positions on major global issues.
  6. leonard104_SurkovDimitriGetty Images_USEUflag SurkovDimitri/Getty Images

    The US Election Will Overturn Europe’s Strategic Status Quo

    Mark Leonard worries that Europeans are unprepared for whoever will succeed US President Joe Biden.
  7. aposen1_Andrew HarnikGetty Images_powell Andrew Harnik/Getty Images
    Subscriber Favorite

    Misreading the Impact of Monetary Policy

    Adam Posen worries that markets and some Federal Reserve officials are misassessing the effects of policy-rate hikes.
  8. reyna1_Martin Schuttpicture alliance via Getty Images_ev green deal Martin Schutt/picture alliance via Getty Images

    The European Green Deal Is Already Benefiting Consumers

    Agustín Reyna rejects the misguided notion that voters are indifferent to environmental concerns.
  9. patten168_PhotoQuestGetty Images_post ww2 PhotoQuest/Getty Images
    Free to read

    The Enduring Lessons of Stalin’s Wartime Endgame

    Chris Patten reflects on how the events leading up to the end of World War II helped shape today’s international order.
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US Election

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  1. The High Cost of the Netherlands’ Mpox Vaccine Hoarding
    brown111_ALAIN JOCARDPOOLAFP via Getty Images_mpox ALAIN JOCARD/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

    The High Cost of the Netherlands’ Mpox Vaccine Hoarding

    Sep 6, 2024 Gordon Brown condemns European populists’ failure to heed the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  2. How to Make the Most of the Kursk Gambit
    charap3_ TATYANA MAKEYEVAAFP via Getty Images)_kursk TATYANA MAKEYEVA/AFP via Getty Images)

    How to Make the Most of the Kursk Gambit

    Sep 6, 2024 Samuel Charap & Charles A. Kupchan think Ukraine and its partners have a big opportunity to start working toward a negotiated end to the war.

  3. The US Election Will Overturn Europe’s Strategic Status Quo
    leonard104_SurkovDimitriGetty Images_USEUflag SurkovDimitri/Getty Images

    The US Election Will Overturn Europe’s Strategic Status Quo

    Sep 6, 2024 Mark Leonard worries that Europeans are unprepared for whoever will succeed US President Joe Biden.

  4. The Water-Security Crisis
    mazzucato71 GettyImages-2159148172_AW Getty Images

    The Water-Security Crisis

    Sep 6, 2024 Mariana Mazzucato, et al. call attention to a global problem that demands far more attention from policymakers at all levels.

  5. The European Green Deal Is Already Benefiting Consumers
    reyna1_Martin Schuttpicture alliance via Getty Images_ev green deal Martin Schutt/picture alliance via Getty Images

    The European Green Deal Is Already Benefiting Consumers

    Sep 6, 2024 Agustín Reyna rejects the misguided notion that voters are indifferent to environmental concerns.


  1. mazzucato71 GettyImages-2159148172_AW Getty Images

    The Water-Security Crisis

    Mariana Mazzucato, et al.

    Increasingly severe water shortages represent a human-made crisis that can be resolved through human interventions. The situation demands new thinking about the economics of this critical resource and how to manage it through mission-oriented strategies that span all levels of governance.

    call attention to a global problem that demands far more attention from policymakers at all levels.
  2. roach141_STRAFP via Getty Images_china trade STR/AFP via Getty Images

    The Chinese Overcapacity Puzzle

    Featured in this Big Picture

    PS editors, Yu Yongding, Arvind Subramanian, Zhang Jun, Yi Fuxian

    Several developments in recent years, from sustained renminbi appreciation to increasingly aggressive Western tariffs, should have eroded China’s global manufacturing dominance, but have not. Why has China’s share of global manufacturing exports continued to rise, and what might turn the tide?

  3. op_mjones2_KeystoneGetty Images_hitler Keystone/Getty Images

    How Fascism Happens

    Mark Jones revisits Hitler's rise to power now that political violence and attacks on democracy are intensifying.
  4. GettyImages-600692188

    Fawaz A. Gerges on Iran, Gaza, US foreign policy, and more

    Fawaz A. Gerges argues that a crisis of US democracy is blocking substantive change in America’s Middle-East policy, highlights the disastrous legacies of US interventions in Iran and Guatemala, fears that Israel’s war in Gaza will engulf the region, and more.
  5. acemoglu49_Drew AngererGetty Images_capitol partisan divide Drew Angerer/Getty Images

    Is Democracy Really in Retreat?

    Helmut K. Anheier, et al. trace the contours of the global ideological battle between liberalism and the “autocratic sufficiency thesis.”
  6. bp us election china

    US-China Relations after America’s Election

    Featured in this Big Picture

    PS editors , Ian Bremmer , Nancy Qian , Stephen S. Roach

    After decades of facilitating and even encouraging China’s rise, the United States’ dramatic shift to a policy of containment continues apace, with both Republican and Democratic administrations imposing sweeping tariffs and other trade restrictions. How will the upcoming US presidential election affect the bilateral relationship, and what will this imply for the American, Chinese, and global economies?

It is both the best and the worst of times for democracy – or at least for voting. Although a record-breaking four billion people across 76 countries will have cast ballots in elections this year, democratic institutions are increasingly under strain, and leading watchdogs warn of a broad-based global trend toward “autocratization.”

Learn more
PSQ2_2024_Age of Extremes_Spread_noshadow

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  1. reyna1_Martin Schuttpicture alliance via Getty Images_ev green deal Martin Schutt/picture alliance via Getty Images

    The European Green Deal Is Already Benefiting Consumers

    Agustín Reyna rejects the misguided notion that voters are indifferent to environmental concerns.
  2. calvino3_ Justin McmanusThe AGEFairfax Media via Getty Images via Getty Images_kiribatiflooding Justin Mcmanus/The AGE/Fairfax Media via Getty Images

    Small-Island Solidarity and Climate Common Sense

    Nadia Calviño & Jutta Urpilainen explain why it is in Europe's interest to help vulnerable countries invest in adaptation and resilience.
  3. fuest11_ STRAFP via Getty Images_flood STR/AFP via Getty Images

    Climate Adaptation Is as Imperative as Mitigation

    Clemens Fuest & Maria Waldinger urge governments and businesses to help communities adjust to the inevitable consequences of global warming.

Opinion that Moves

  1. J. Bradford DeLong America Has No Alternative to Industrial Policy
  2. Yuen Yuen Ang China’s Economic Paradox
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  4. Andrew Sheng, et al. Is Gross National Happiness the Way Forward?

  1. Samuel Charap, et al. How to Make the Most of the Kursk Gambit
  2. Mark Leonard The US Election Will Overturn Europe’s Strategic Status Quo
  3. Ian Bremmer What Is Kamala Harris’s Foreign Policy?
  4. Helmut K. Anheier Will the German Center Hold?

  1. Gordon Brown The High Cost of the Netherlands’ Mpox Vaccine Hoarding
  2. Yasmine Sherif Giving Afghan Girls the Education They Demand
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  1. Agustín Reyna The European Green Deal Is Already Benefiting Consumers
  2. Nadia Calviño, et al. Small-Island Solidarity and Climate Common Sense
  3. Elisa Belfiori, et al. Rethinking Emissions Targets in Developing Countries
  4. Lili Fuhr, et al. Marine Geoengineering Will Not Save the Oceans or the Climate

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Africa’s economic rise is a world-changing development, but the sources of its emerging strength – and lingering weaknesses – are little understood. W…

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As the COVID-19 crisis escalates, PS commentators assess its implications for the economy, propose policy responses, and consider what might – and sho…

  1. Gro Harlem Brundtland Recommitting to Pandemic Preparedness
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