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The Female Voice

139 commentaries

  1. alfers2_ETIENNE LAURENTAFP via Getty Images_heat workekrs ETIENNE LAURENT/AFP via Getty Images

    Protecting Informal Workers from Extreme Heat

    Laura Alfers & Christy Braham warn that neither safety regulations nor urban infrastructure are adequate to the impact of climate change.
  2. husarska Anna Husarska

    A Glimmer of Hope for Afghanistan’s Girls and Women

    Anna Husarska reports on a groundbreaking effort to foster female entrepreneurship in Kabul’s impoverished communities.
  3. PS She Writes Logo

    Each month, She Writes highlights women whose ideas deserve wider attention and offers a curated selection of Project Syndicate’s most incisive commentaries by women from the previous month.

  4. sherif10_WAKIL KOHSARAFP via Getty Images_afghanistan girls WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP via Getty Images

    Giving Afghan Girls the Education They Demand

    Yasmine Sherif urges public- and private-sector donors to increase funding for non-formal schooling in the country.
  5. estrades1_ EITAN ABRAMOVICHAFP via Getty Images_care economy montevideo EITAN ABRAMOVICH/AFP via Getty Images

    Uruguay’s Lessons for Building a Care Economy

    Carmen Estrades & Florencia Amábile show how this small Latin American country serves as a window on to what other aging societies are facing.
  6. slaughter105_JACK GUEZAFP via Getty Images_womenwagepeace Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images

    Peacebuilding in the Middle East Requires Women

    Anne-Marie Slaughter & Xanthe Scharff argue that negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians must no longer be the province of men.
  7. kanem7_pishitGetty Images_corporate woman pishit/Getty Images

    Supporting Sexual and Reproductive Health Is Good Business

    Natalia Kanem argues that investing in employees’ well-being will help companies attract and retain top talent.
  8. tbhattacharya1_MONEY SHARMAAFP via Getty Images_indiahospitalmother MOney Sharma/AFP via Getty Images

    Can Private Hospitals Increase Access to Health Care in Developing Countries?

    Titir Bhattacharya & Tanika Chakraborty show how innovative insurance schemes can help low- and middle-income economies achieve universal coverage.
  9. dbanda1_ Alison WrightGetty Images_africawomanbusiness Alison Wright/Getty Images

    Investing in African Women Will Yield Outsize Returns

    Dolika Banda highlights the pivotal role female entrepreneurs can play in building the “impact economies” of the future.

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  1. brown111_ALAIN JOCARDPOOLAFP via Getty Images_mpox ALAIN JOCARD/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

    The High Cost of the Netherlands’ Mpox Vaccine Hoarding

    Gordon Brown condemns European populists’ failure to heed the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. charap3_ TATYANA MAKEYEVAAFP via Getty Images)_kursk TATYANA MAKEYEVA/AFP via Getty Images)

    How to Make the Most of the Kursk Gambit

    Samuel Charap & Charles A. Kupchan think Ukraine and its partners have a big opportunity to start working toward a negotiated end to the war.
  3. leonard104_SurkovDimitriGetty Images_USEUflag SurkovDimitri/Getty Images

    The US Election Will Overturn Europe’s Strategic Status Quo

    Mark Leonard worries that Europeans are unprepared for whoever will succeed US President Joe Biden.
  4. mazzucato71 GettyImages-2159148172_AW Getty Images

    The Water-Security Crisis

    Mariana Mazzucato, et al.

    Increasingly severe water shortages represent a human-made crisis that can be resolved through human interventions. The situation demands new thinking about the economics of this critical resource and how to manage it through mission-oriented strategies that span all levels of governance.

    call attention to a global problem that demands far more attention from policymakers at all levels.
  5. reyna1_Martin Schuttpicture alliance via Getty Images_ev green deal Martin Schutt/picture alliance via Getty Images

    The European Green Deal Is Already Benefiting Consumers

    Agustín Reyna rejects the misguided notion that voters are indifferent to environmental concerns.
  6. bremmer34_Anna MoneymakerGetty Images_harrissouthkorea Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

    What Is Kamala Harris’s Foreign Policy?

    Ian Bremmer

    Although Kamala Harris is largely aligned with Joe Biden on many global and strategic issues, her unique worldview promises a distinct form of leadership on the international stage. Not only would US foreign policy shift under a Harris administration; it could change in highly consequential ways.

    considers how the Democratic presidential nominees' views compare to Joe Biden's.
  7. anheier25_JOHN MACDOUGALLAFP via Getty Images_afd JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images

    Will the German Center Hold?

    Helmut K. Anheier considers what is driving support for extremist parties in the country’s eastern states.
  8. delong263_MEGAN JELINGERAFP via Getty Images_USindustrysteel Megan Jelinger/AFP via Getty Images

    America Has No Alternative to Industrial Policy

    J. Bradford DeLong thinks new threats to economic security outweigh the reasons for opposing government-led development.
  9. nye261_Kevin DietschGetty Images_us election Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

    US Foreign Policy in 2025

    Joseph S. Nye, Jr. compares the two presidential candidates’ attitudes and positions on major global issues.

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