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Our annual flagship magazine, PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025, has arrived. To gain digital access to all of the magazine’s content, and receive your print copy, subscribe to PS Digital Plus now.
通过向更发达的市场经济体牺牲已经完成它们目标的成长经济体的需要,欧洲委员会正在制造无效率和降低欧盟气候变化政策和其共同市场的效力。因为欧盟15国占欧盟所有温室气体排放量的80%左右,它们应该在欧盟的气候变化政策中起主导作用。现在是它们做出更进一步努力的时候了。The intention of the Kyoto Protocol was to limit temperature rises to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. By 2050 global GHG emissions need to be half of 1990's level to avoid surpassing this. With the failure of the EU-15 to honor its Kyoto commitment and the EU-15 switching to less ambitious emission reduction targets currently this seems out of reach.
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The United States is not a monarchy, but a federal republic. States and cities controlled by Democrats represent half the country, and they can resist Donald Trump’s overreach by using the tools of progressive federalism, many of which were sharpened during his first administration.
see Democrat-controlled states as a potential check on Donald Trump’s far-right agenda.
Though the United States has long led the world in advancing basic science and technology, it is hard to see how this can continue under President Donald Trump and the country’s ascendant oligarchy. America’s rejection of Enlightenment values will have dire consequences.
predicts that Donald Trump’s second administration will be defined by its rejection of Enlightenment values.
Secure your copy of PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025
Our annual flagship magazine, PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025, has arrived. To gain digital access to all of the magazine’s content, and receive your print copy, subscribe to PS Digital Plus now.
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这样做的原因很简单:欧盟12国-在2004被接纳为新成员的国家-已经比原欧盟15国做得好。新成员国没有就集体的京都议定书目标达成共识,但是作为一个群体,它们计划到2010年,比 1990年削减大约20%的排放量。
通过向更发达的市场经济体牺牲已经完成它们目标的成长经济体的需要,欧洲委员会正在制造无效率和降低欧盟气候变化政策和其共同市场的效力。因为欧盟15国占欧盟所有温室气体排放量的80%左右,它们应该在欧盟的气候变化政策中起主导作用。现在是它们做出更进一步努力的时候了。The intention of the Kyoto Protocol was to limit temperature rises to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. By 2050 global GHG emissions need to be half of 1990's level to avoid surpassing this. With the failure of the EU-15 to honor its Kyoto commitment and the EU-15 switching to less ambitious emission reduction targets currently this seems out of reach.