Project Syndicate is returning to Climate Week NYC with an even more expansive program. Join us live on September 22 as we welcome speakers from around the world at our studio in Manhattan to address critical dimensions of the climate debate.
通过向更发达的市场经济体牺牲已经完成它们目标的成长经济体的需要,欧洲委员会正在制造无效率和降低欧盟气候变化政策和其共同市场的效力。因为欧盟15国占欧盟所有温室气体排放量的80%左右,它们应该在欧盟的气候变化政策中起主导作用。现在是它们做出更进一步努力的时候了。The intention of the Kyoto Protocol was to limit temperature rises to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. By 2050 global GHG emissions need to be half of 1990's level to avoid surpassing this. With the failure of the EU-15 to honor its Kyoto commitment and the EU-15 switching to less ambitious emission reduction targets currently this seems out of reach.
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Kishore Mahbubani
offers advice to Western diplomats attempting to engage with Asia, identifies risks to the region’s stability, highlights Singapore’s lessons for developing-country leaders, and more.
The implications of the deepening Sino-American rift are far-reaching, because several of the world’s most pressing economic problems can be solved only with contributions from both countries. And, to address global challenges, active cooperation between the two economic powers is indispensable.
hopes that political will on both sides catches up with the opporunities for cooperation that now exist.
If the new "industrial strategy" is offering ideas for better public governance, it is useful. But it becomes positively dangerous when it turns to the private sector, where state interventions inevitably undermine competition, disrupt price signals, and dampen the motivation to innovate.
sees little reason to support the case for renewed government interventions in the private sector.
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PS Events: Climate Week NYC 2024
Project Syndicate is returning to Climate Week NYC with an even more expansive program. Join us live on September 22 as we welcome speakers from around the world at our studio in Manhattan to address critical dimensions of the climate debate.
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这样做的原因很简单:欧盟12国-在2004被接纳为新成员的国家-已经比原欧盟15国做得好。新成员国没有就集体的京都议定书目标达成共识,但是作为一个群体,它们计划到2010年,比 1990年削减大约20%的排放量。
通过向更发达的市场经济体牺牲已经完成它们目标的成长经济体的需要,欧洲委员会正在制造无效率和降低欧盟气候变化政策和其共同市场的效力。因为欧盟15国占欧盟所有温室气体排放量的80%左右,它们应该在欧盟的气候变化政策中起主导作用。现在是它们做出更进一步努力的时候了。The intention of the Kyoto Protocol was to limit temperature rises to 2°C above pre-industrial levels. By 2050 global GHG emissions need to be half of 1990's level to avoid surpassing this. With the failure of the EU-15 to honor its Kyoto commitment and the EU-15 switching to less ambitious emission reduction targets currently this seems out of reach.