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Now that Donald Trump is returning to the White House, he believes that it is an “absolute necessity” for the United States to have “ownership and control” of Greenland. But as an autonomous Danish territory where the US military already operates, Greenland has no reason to abandon its current political arrangement.
explains why the US president-elect's threats to seize the Danish territory are so dangerous.
US President-elect Donald Trump's incoming administration will likely seek to weaken the greenback's exchange rate. But whether doing so would enhance the competitiveness of US exports and strengthen America’s trade balance is another matter.
argues that while the incoming administration could certainly weaken the greenback, the US would not benefit.
With global growth slowing and many developing countries facing debt crises, the world needs another infusion of the International Monetary Fund’s reserve asset. But while the benefits would be far-reaching and free of risk, the US Treasury has been standing in the way.
call for a new issuance of the International Monetary Fund’s international reserve asset.
From cutting taxes to raising tariffs to eroding central-bank independence, US President-elect Donald Trump has made a wide range of economic promises, many of which threaten to blow up the deficit and fuel inflation. But powerful institutional, political, and economic constraints, together with Trump’s capriciousness, have spurred disagreement about how worried we should be.
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Secure your copy of PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025
Our annual flagship magazine, PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025, has arrived. To gain digital access to all of the magazine’s content, and receive your print copy, subscribe to PS Digital Plus now.
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新加坡已经实施了扬·盖尔(Jan Gehl)所谓的 “人本设计”(human-scale design)。自下而上的社区设计能够赋能市民,强调多样性,从而通过多收入阶层混居以及高质量公共交通、卫生和教育的普及而防止贫民窟的出现。
类似地,尽管遭到了巨大的阻力,但时任纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)和交通局长柯沈捷(Janette Sadik-Khan)仍然投资建设了自行车专用道和公共交通。3月,伦敦将更进一步——与成都、马德里、巴黎和其他城市已经在做的那样——在城市核心区禁止汽车通行,建立极低排放区。阿姆斯特丹、东京和哥本哈根向我们证明,将城市道路设计得更窄能够放缓交通,提高行人和自行车的安全。
一些城市还引入了加州大学洛杉矶分校的唐纳德·肖普(Donald Shoup)一直提倡的停车改革。其中包括取消建筑物最低停车要求和引入动态定价,保证5—10%的停车位空余,将收入用于社区。
有了仔细的规划、合作、沟通和共识,城市能够改变居民的生活。世界银行的可持续发展城市全球平台(Global Platform for Sustainable Cities)和城市规划实验室(City Planning Labs)可为城市的尝试提供支持,便利知识共享和基于证据的城市规划。如果我们现在能够竭尽全力确保包容、灵活和可持续的城市化,但丁的冥界就将一直是想象的地狱。