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The Middle East’s geopolitical landscape has been transformed by the swift collapse of Syria’s al-Assad dynasty. While the Iranian-led “axis of resistance” now appears hollowed out, an Islamist regime in Damascus may prove deeply unsettling not only to Israel, but also to the region’s Arab states.
agrees with Iran’s former vice president that the Syrian regime’s collapse will transform the Middle East.
As US President-elect Donald Trump prepares to make good on his threats to upend American institutions, the pressure is on his opponents to figure out how to defend, and eventually strengthen, US democracy. But first they must understand how the United States reached this point.
Following South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s groundless declaration of martial law, legislators are pursuing his impeachment. If they succeed, they will have offered a valuable example of how democracies should deal with those who abuse the powers of their office.
thinks the effort to remove a lawless president can serve as an important signal to the rest of the world.
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在印度,印度工商联合会(Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry)成立了新的“绿色债券”工作组,考察印度债务市场应该如何响应为智能基础设施融资的挑战。而最新的监管变化释放出大量上市投资信托将资本配置于清洁能源的潜力。
Secure your copy of PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025
Our annual flagship magazine, PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025, is almost here. To gain digital access to all of the magazine’s content, and receive your print copy, subscribe to PS Premium now.
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最重要的是,必须将气候变化所带来的金融挑战置于更广的绿色经济和可持续发展框架内。金融体系的管理者的任务是有序实现从高碳投资向低碳投资以及从脆弱资产向高恢复力资产的转型。根据新气候经济(New Climate Economy)计划的数据,到2030年全球基础设施投资将达到89万亿美元——而要让这些投资变得低碳而高恢复力,必须在增加4.1万亿美元投资。
如今,大有希望的国际合作之门正在敞开。比如,G-20财政部长和央行行长刚刚要求金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board)研究金融业如何解决气候问题。这类措施不但可以强化气候安全;还有助于建立更高效、更有效、恢复力更强的金融体系。