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5813 Contributors, 80 Regular Contributors

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  1. Abdulla Naseer is Minister of State for Environment, Climate Change, and Technology for the Maldives.

  2. Dzung Do Nguyen is Co-Founder and CEO of enfarm Agritech.

  3. Irene Norstedt is Director of the People Directorate in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission.

  4. Jennifer Nuzzo is a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

  5. Masashi Nishihara

    Masashi Nishihara

    Writing for PS since 1997
    2 Commentaries

    Director, National Defense Academy, Tokyo.

  6. Aryeh Neier

    Aryeh Neier

    Writing for PS since 1999
    63 Commentaries

    Aryeh Neier, President Emeritus of the Open Society Foundations and a founder of Human Rights Watch, is author of The International Human Rights Movement: A History (Princeton University Press, 2012).

  7. Boris Nemtsov

    Boris Nemtsov

    Writing for PS since 2000
    2 Commentaries

    Boris Nemtsov was Russia's first deputy prime minister and a prominent opposition leader.

  8. Vyacheslav Nikonov

    Vyacheslav Nikonov

    Writing for PS since 2000
    4 Commentaries

    Vyacheslav Nikonov, one of Russia's leading political scientists, is President of the Politika Foundation, Moscow. He is a grandson of Vyacheslav Molotov.

  9. Dorothy Nelkin

    Dorothy Nelkin

    Writing for PS since 2001
    2 Commentaries

    Professor of Sociology, NYU.

  10. Pierre Nora

    Pierre Nora

    Writing for PS since 2001
    1 Commentary

    Director of studies, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris and a member of the Académie Française.

  11. M. I. Nadiri

    Writing for PS since 2002
    1 Commentary

    M. Ishaq Nadiri, who participated in the talks that created Afghanistan's interim government, is Professor of Economics at NYU and an economic advisor to Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's interim leader.

  12. Julian Nida-Rümelin

    Julian Nida-Rümelin

    Writing for PS since 2002
    1 Commentary

    Germany's Minister for Cultural Affairs and Media. Professor of Philosophy at Göttingen University.

  13. Ethan A. Nadelmann

    Ethan A. Nadelmann

    Writing for PS since 2002
    1 Commentary

    The founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which promotes alternatives to the global war on drugs and author of Cops Across Borders: The Internationalization of US Criminal Law Enforcement.

  14. Thomas Nagel

    Thomas Nagel

    Writing for PS since 2002
    2 Commentaries

    Professor of Law and Philosophy at NYU.

  15. Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

    Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

    Writing for PS since 2002
    267 Commentaries

    Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, is a former US assistant secretary of defense and the author of Do Morals Matter? Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump (Oxford University Press, 2020) and A Life in the American Century (Polity Press, 2024).

  1. gros195_StockbyteGettyImages_deregulation_red_tape Stockbyte/Getty Images

    The Revolt Against Regulation

    Daniel Gros explains why the new push for deregulation in the United States and the European Union may not help either.
  2. sherwin14_Andrew HarnikGetty Images_trump Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    Donald Trump’s Misrule of Law

    Richard K. Sherwin

    By insisting on its own supremacy, the executive branch of the US government under President Donald Trump is effectively seeking to alter America’s constitutional framework of checks and balances among co-equal branches of government. Trump has no authority to execute this change, but that will not be enough to stop him.

    observes that the president's claim of supremacy over the courts amounts to tossing out the US Constitution.
  3. lachman1_Jemal CountessGetty Images for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation_USdebt Jemal Countess/Getty Images for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation

    Trump’s Looming Deficit Disaster

    Desmond Lachman explains why the US president’s trade tariffs and planned tax cuts are at odds with basic economic realities.
  4. mazzucato80_WPA PoolGettyImages_starmer_ai_speech WPA Pool/Getty Images

    Governing AI for the Public Interest

    Mariana Mazzucato & Tommaso Valletti explain why the UK government’s recently released AI “action plan” misses the mark.
  5. chellaney184_ Sergio FloresGetty Images_trumpmodi Sergio Flores/Getty Images

    Putting the Trump-Modi Bromance to the Test

    Brahma Chellaney hopes that the US and Indian leaders take concrete steps to reset and deepen the bilateral relationship.
  6. alemanno2_Thierry MonasseGettyImages_vdl_competitiveness_compass Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

    The Dark Side of EU Deregulation

    Alberto Alemanno warns that the bloc’s efforts to reduce bureaucratic red tape will do more harm than good.
  7. GettyImages-2196139559

    Daniel Gros on DeepSeek, Germany's malaise, EU competitiveness, and more

    Daniel Gros hopes that a Chinese startup's apparent AI breakthrough will provide a much-needed boost to European competitiveness, advises the EU on how to deal with Donald Trump, urges Europe to improve conditions for bottom-up innovation, and more.
  8. bremmer39_Steve PfostNewsday RM via Getty Images_USwindfarm Steve Pfost/Newsday RM via Getty Images

    Trump Will Not Kill the Global Energy Transition

    Ian Bremmer

    Despite Donald Trump's promise to boost fossil-fuel production, the economic and technological forces driving the clean-energy revolution cannot be stopped. The global transition will power forward, even if America has abandoned climate leadership, and even if the road ahead includes a few more bumps.

    assuages fears that the global energy transition will be thrown into reverse by the new US administration.
  9. brown117_Robert HradilGetty Images_WHO Robert Hradil/Getty Images

    A Reformed WHO Should Make Its Case to America

    Gordon Brown wants to reassure the Trump administration that a revamped organization could serve US and global interests.

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