Farage Matt Cardy/Stringer

The Abandonment of Progress

Many Western citizens have lost faith in progress: they no longer believe that the future will bring material improvement and that their children will have a better life than their own. They look backward because they are afraid to look ahead.

PARIS – Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan are remembered for the laissez-faire revolution they launched in the early 1980s. They campaigned and won on the promise that free-market capitalism would unleash growth and boost prosperity. In 2016, Nigel Farage, the then-leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) who masterminded Brexit, and US President-elect Donald Trump campaigned and won on a very different basis: nostalgia. Tellingly, their promises were to “take back control” and “make America great again” – in other words, to turn back the clock.
