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5814 Contributors, 80 Regular Contributors

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  1. Cédric O

    Cédric O

    Writing for PS since 2023
    1 Commentary

    Cédric O is a former French secretary of state for the digital economy (2019-22).

  2. Michael O'Boyle

    Michael O'Boyle

    Writing for PS since 2022
    1 Commentary

    Michael O’Boyle is Director of Electricity Policy at Energy Innovation.

  3. John O'Brennan

    John O'Brennan

    Writing for PS since 2008
    6 Commentaries

    John O’ Brennan is Director of European Studies and a lecturer in European Politics at the National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM).

  4. Gus O'Donnell

    Gus O'Donnell

    Writing for PS since 2014
    2 Commentaries

    Gus O’Donnell, former Cabinet Secretary to Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and David Cameron, is now Chairman of Frontier Economics and a member of the UK House of Lords.

  5. Megan O'Donnell

    Megan O'Donnell

    Writing for PS since 2022
    1 Commentary

    Megan O’Donnell leads the Center for Global Development’s COVID-19 Gender and Development Initiative.

  6. Stephen O'Driscoll

    Stephen O'Driscoll

    Writing for PS since 2022
    1 Commentary

    Stephen O’Driscoll is Head of Environment, Climate, and Social Policy at the European Investment Bank.

  7. Michael O'Hanlon

    Michael O'Hanlon

    Writing for PS since 2014
    1 Commentary

    Michael O’Hanlon is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

  8. Margaret O'Mara

    Margaret O'Mara

    Writing for PS since 2024
    2 Commentaries

    Margaret O’Mara is Professor of American History at the University of Washington and the author of The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America (Penguin Press, 2019) and Cities of Knowledge: Cold War Science and the Search for the Next Silicon Valley (Princeton, 2005).

  9. Shane O'Mara

    Shane O'Mara

    Writing for PS since 2016
    1 Commentary

    Shane O’Mara is Professor of Experimental Brain Research and Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator at the Institute of Neuroscience at Trinity College, and the author of Why Torture Doesn't Work: The Neuroscience of Interrogation.

  10. Shannon K. O'Neil

    Shannon K. O'Neil

    Writing for PS since 2024
    2 Commentaries

    Shannon K. O'Neil, Vice President of Studies and Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Latin America Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, is the author of The Globalization Myth: Why Regions Matter (Yale University Press, 2023).

  11. Jim O'Neill

    Jim O'Neill

    Writing for PS since 2008
    134 Commentaries

    Jim O’Neill is a former chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management and a former UK Treasury minister.

  12. Tim O'Reilly

    Tim O'Reilly

    Writing for PS since 2021
    5 Commentaries

    Tim O’Reilly, Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, Inc., is a visiting professor at University College London Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose and the author of WTF? What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us (Harper Business, 2017).

  13. Dara O'Rourke

    Writing for PS since 2001
    1 Commentary

    Professor of Politics at MIT.

  14. Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke

    Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke

    Writing for PS since 2011
    3 Commentaries

    Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke is Professor of Economic History and Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford.

  15. Fintan O'Toole is the Leonard L. Milberg Visiting Lecturer in Irish Letters at Princeton University, columnist at the Irish Times, and the author of Heroic Failure: Brexit and the Politics of Pain.  

  1. james227_Central PressGettyImages_neville_chamberlain_munich_pact Central Press/Getty Images

    Alternatives to Trump’s Russia Appeasement

    Harold James explains how France and Britain can guarantee Ukraine’s security now that America has effectively surrendered.
  2. op_malmendier1_ INA FASSBENDERAFP via Getty Images_germanyrailway Ina Fassbender/AFP via Getty Images

    Germany at a Crossroads

    Ulrike Malmendier, et al.

    Despite its ongoing economic stagnation and aging population, Germany’s outlook is far from hopeless. But to restore its growth momentum, it must embrace the realities of the twenty-first century, invest in high-potential emerging sectors, and adapt to an increasingly volatile geopolitical landscape.

    urge policymakers to pursue bold structural reforms, rather than clinging to an outdated growth model.
  3. cnobre2_CARL DE SOUZAAFP via Getty Images_amazonfire Carl de Souza/AFP via Getty Images

    The Amazon’s Future Will Be Decided in 2025

    Carlos Nobre & Marielos Peña-Claros warn that the world's largest rainforest is reaching a tipping point, beyond which it will largely disappear.
  4. zizek42_Andrej IsakovicGettyImages_serbia_student_protests Andrej Isakovic/Getty Images

    The New Face of Protest

    Slavoj Žižek contrasts the pioneering mass student demonstrations in Serbia with widespread private resignation in China.
  5. lee54_Ed JonesGettyImages_korea_elderly_worker Ed Jones/Getty Images

    Reaping Asia’s Silver Demographic Dividend

    Lee Jong-Wha urges governments to develop integrated policies that encourage older adults to stay in the workforce.
  6. ekue1_Peter DazeleyGettyImages_green_jar_coins Peter Dazeley/Getty Images

    Getting Green Investment Where It’s Needed Most

    Serge Ekué & Javier Díaz Fajardo propose a strategy to redirect all financial flows toward the climate transition.
  7. kallot1_pixdeluxeGetty Images_africaAI pixdeluxe/Getty Images

    The Global South Needs to Own Its AI Revolution

    Kate Kallot explains how these countries can advance a community-driven approach to the emerging technology.
  8. adebajo13_Alexis HuguetGettyImages_goma_m23_conflict Alexis Huguet/Getty Images

    Africa’s Year of Warlords and Meddlers

    Adekeye Adebajo foresees growing instability and more foreign interference on the continent in 2025.
  9. basu109_Matt CardyGetty Images_socialmedia Matt Cardy/Getty Images

    Playing at Democracy

    Kaushik Basu explains how a well-known children's game illustrates the logic of today's emerging oligarchies.

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