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Hans-Helmut Kotz

Hans-Helmut Kotz

11 commentaries

Hans-Helmut Kotz, a former member of the executive board of Deutsche Bundesbank, is Program Director of the SAFE Policy Center at Goethe University in Frankfurt and a resident fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University.

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  1. Did Germany’s Constitutional Court Inadvertently Strengthen the Eurozone?
    kotz11_Sebastian Gollnowpicture alliance via Getty Images_germanconstitutionalcourtECB Sebastian Gollnow/picture alliance via Getty Images

    Did Germany’s Constitutional Court Inadvertently Strengthen the Eurozone?

    May 11, 2020 Hans-Helmut Kotz sees a silver lining in the court's much-criticized ruling on the European Central Bank's bond purchases.

  2. Germany Versus the ECB
    kotz10_Boris Roesslerpicture alliance via Getty Images_manstandingECB Boris Roessler/picture alliance via Getty Images

    Germany Versus the ECB

    Oct 10, 2019 Hans-Helmut Kotz holds out hope that eurozone governments may finally be recognizing the need for fiscal stimulus.

  3. Macron’s Real Limits
    Emmanuel Macron visits Berlin Carsten Koall/Getty Images

    Macron’s Real Limits

    Apr 24, 2018 Hans-Helmut Kotz thinks the French president's policy pronouncements lack the courage of his European convictions.

  4. The Chimera of Franco-German Reform
    Jean-Claude Juncker delivers his State of the Union speech at the European Parliament Patrick Herzog/Getty Images

    The Chimera of Franco-German Reform

    Oct 4, 2017 Hans-Helmut Kotz warns the European Union's would-be reformers not to count on the support of Germany's next government.

  5. Financial Globalization 2.0
    Credit Suisse CEO and chairman Michael Buholzer/Getty Images

    Financial Globalization 2.0

    Sep 5, 2017 Hans-Helmut Kotz & Susan Lund suggest that a more resilient system is emerging, despite shrinking cross-border capital flows.

  1. fischer225_Picture AllianceGettyImages_jd_vance_msc Picture Alliance/Getty Images

    Trump’s Surprise Attack on Europe

    Joschka Fischer

    European leaders knew that Vladimir Putin in the East and Donald Trump in the West would be a strategic nightmare scenario. Yet they did almost nothing to achieve greater political unity and stronger defense capabilities in anticipation of precisely this outcome.

    thinks the continent has become a sitting duck in the face of the US administration’s strategic revisionism
  2. palacio166_Andrew HarnikGettyImages_modi_arriving Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    India Has Arrived

    Ana Palacio charts the country’s transition from passive observer to active shaper of international affairs.
  3. mottley8_CHEWY LINAFP via Getty Images_islandclimatechange Chewy Lin/AFP via Getty Images

    Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity

    Mia Amor Mottley argues that human solidarity must underpin scientific, technological, financial, and diplomatic measures.
  4. mueller57_Michael KappelerPoolGettyImages_merz_weidel_debate Michael Kappeler/Pool/Getty Images

    Normalizing the Normalization of the Far Right

    Jan-Werner Mueller

    History and social science research show that voters take their cues from elites. When politicians who are seen as mainstream treat an extremist far-right party as normal, public opinion will tend to follow; and once such normalization has happened, as in Europe today, it is virtually impossible to undo.

    explores the most common justifications that politicians offer for working with anti-democratic forces.
  5. haass177_Montinique MonroeGetty Images_trumpoil Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

    Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump

    Richard Haass & Carolyn Kissane argue that reconciling what is desirable with what is feasible requires a new approach.
  6. benami222_Dia ImagesGettyImages_al-sharaa_erdogan Dia Images/Getty Images

    The Fight for Syria

    Shlomo Ben-Ami worries that Israel and Turkey, with their clashing ambitions, could undermine the country’s stability.
  7. wei68_EITAN ABRAMOVICHAFP via Getty Image_mercosureudeal Eitan Abramovich/AFP via Getty Images

    How to Counter Trump's Tariffs Productively?

    Shang-Jin Wei proposes steps that allies and rivals alike can take to mitigate the effects of American trade policies.
  8. ghosh85_NOAH SEELAMAFP via Getty Images_indiaaadhaar Noah Seelam/AFP via Getty Images

    Weaponizing Data Against Democracy

    Jayati Ghosh explains why and how authoritarian leaders like Narendra Modi hide or manipulate official figures.
  9. james227_Central PressGettyImages_neville_chamberlain_munich_pact Central Press/Getty Images

    Alternatives to Trump’s Russia Appeasement

    Harold James explains how France and Britain can guarantee Ukraine’s security now that America has effectively surrendered.

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