Ricardo Lagos
Ricardo Lagos, a former president of Chile (2000-06), is a commissioner of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.
A Half-Century of Endless Drug War
A Half-Century of Endless Drug War
Jun 17, 2021 Helen Clark, et al. welcome the Biden administration’s emphasis on harm reduction rather than repression and punishment.
Latin America Confronts the Coronavirus
Latin America Confronts the Coronavirus
Apr 16, 2020 Fernando Henrique Cardoso, et al. argue that populist grandstanding jeopardizes the top priority – minimizing the pandemic’s death toll.
A Green Alliance With Europe
A Green Alliance With Europe
Jun 5, 2015 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva & Ricardo Lagos call for a bold new partnership ahead of next week’s Latin America-EU summit in Brussels.
Latin America’s Climate Vanguard
Latin America’s Climate Vanguard
Nov 3, 2014 Ricardo Lagos argues that Latin America can lead in fighting climate change while delivering prosperity.
Chile in the Streets
Chile in the Streets
Jun 4, 2012 Ricardo Lagos