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Ricardo Lagos

Ricardo Lagos

6 commentaries

Ricardo Lagos, a former president of Chile (2000-06), is a commissioner of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.

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  1. A Half-Century of Endless Drug War
    hclark13_ Erik McGregorLightRocket via Getty Images_war on drugs Erik McGregor/LightRocket via Getty Images

    A Half-Century of Endless Drug War

    Jun 17, 2021 Helen Clark, et al. welcome the Biden administration’s emphasis on harm reduction rather than repression and punishment.

  2. Latin America Confronts the Coronavirus
    cardosa4_Hector VivasGetty Images_mexicocitysquarecoronaviruslockdown Hector Vivas/Getty Images

    Latin America Confronts the Coronavirus

    Apr 16, 2020 Fernando Henrique Cardoso, et al. argue that populist grandstanding jeopardizes the top priority – minimizing the pandemic’s death toll.

  3. A Green Alliance With Europe
    latin america europe Wikimedia Commons

    A Green Alliance With Europe

    Jun 5, 2015 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva & Ricardo Lagos call for a bold new partnership ahead of next week’s Latin America-EU summit in Brussels.

  4. Latin America’s Climate Vanguard
    Brazil flag river climate change Global Environment Facility/Baljit Wadhwa/Flickr

    Latin America’s Climate Vanguard

    Nov 3, 2014 Ricardo Lagos argues that Latin America can lead in fighting climate change while delivering prosperity.

  5. Chile in the Streets
    dr2402c.jpg Dean Rohrer

    Chile in the Streets

    Jun 4, 2012 Ricardo Lagos

  1. fischer225_Picture AllianceGettyImages_jd_vance_msc Picture Alliance/Getty Images

    Trump’s Surprise Attack on Europe

    Joschka Fischer

    European leaders knew that Vladimir Putin in the East and Donald Trump in the West would be a strategic nightmare scenario. Yet they did almost nothing to achieve greater political unity and stronger defense capabilities in anticipation of precisely this outcome.

    thinks the continent has become a sitting duck in the face of the US administration’s strategic revisionism
  2. palacio166_Andrew HarnikGettyImages_modi_arriving Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    India Has Arrived

    Ana Palacio charts the country’s transition from passive observer to active shaper of international affairs.
  3. mottley8_CHEWY LINAFP via Getty Images_islandclimatechange Chewy Lin/AFP via Getty Images

    Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity

    Mia Amor Mottley argues that human solidarity must underpin scientific, technological, financial, and diplomatic measures.
  4. mueller57_Michael KappelerPoolGettyImages_merz_weidel_debate Michael Kappeler/Pool/Getty Images

    Normalizing the Normalization of the Far Right

    Jan-Werner Mueller

    History and social science research show that voters take their cues from elites. When politicians who are seen as mainstream treat an extremist far-right party as normal, public opinion will tend to follow; and once such normalization has happened, as in Europe today, it is virtually impossible to undo.

    explores the most common justifications that politicians offer for working with anti-democratic forces.
  5. haass177_Montinique MonroeGetty Images_trumpoil Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

    Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump

    Richard Haass & Carolyn Kissane argue that reconciling what is desirable with what is feasible requires a new approach.
  6. benami222_Dia ImagesGettyImages_al-sharaa_erdogan Dia Images/Getty Images

    The Fight for Syria

    Shlomo Ben-Ami worries that Israel and Turkey, with their clashing ambitions, could undermine the country’s stability.
  7. wei68_EITAN ABRAMOVICHAFP via Getty Image_mercosureudeal Eitan Abramovich/AFP via Getty Images

    How to Counter Trump's Tariffs Productively?

    Shang-Jin Wei proposes steps that allies and rivals alike can take to mitigate the effects of American trade policies.
  8. ghosh85_NOAH SEELAMAFP via Getty Images_indiaaadhaar Noah Seelam/AFP via Getty Images

    Weaponizing Data Against Democracy

    Jayati Ghosh explains why and how authoritarian leaders like Narendra Modi hide or manipulate official figures.
  9. james227_Central PressGettyImages_neville_chamberlain_munich_pact Central Press/Getty Images

    Alternatives to Trump’s Russia Appeasement

    Harold James explains how France and Britain can guarantee Ukraine’s security now that America has effectively surrendered.

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