Mira Kamdar
Mira Kamdar is a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute and a fellow at the Asia Society. She is the author of Planet India: The Turbulent Rise of the Largest Democracy and the Future of Our World.
Time to Bring Mahatma Gandhi Back
Time to Bring Mahatma Gandhi Back
Jun 5, 2009 Mira Kamdar
Obama and India
Obama and India
Nov 5, 2008 Mira Kamdar
India’s Fiscal Follies
India’s Fiscal Follies
Apr 1, 2008 Mira Kamdar
A Bollywood Bride for Sarkozy?
A Bollywood Bride for Sarkozy?
Jan 21, 2008 Mira Kamdar
India’s Burma Dilemma
India’s Burma Dilemma
Oct 10, 2007 Mira Kamdar