Michael Mandelbaum
Michael Mandelbaum is Professor Emeritus of American Foreign Policy at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and the author, most recently, of Mission Failure: America and the World in the Post-Cold War Era.
Trump and the All-American Trade Debate
Trump and the All-American Trade Debate
Mar 9, 2018 Michael Mandelbaum reviews Dartmouth College economist Douglas A. Irwin’s survey of 250 years of US trade policy.
The Iran Paradox
The Iran Paradox
Jul 14, 2017 Michael Mandelbaum reviews two recent books tracing the Islamic Republic’s political evolution and foreign policies since the country’s 1979 revolution.
What NATO Needs from Trump
What NATO Needs from Trump
May 23, 2017 Michael Mandelbaum describes the type of leadership the alliance requires, but isn't getting, from the US president.
Will Nuclear History Repeat Itself in Korea?
Will Nuclear History Repeat Itself in Korea?
Apr 4, 2017 Michael Mandelbaum shows why China holds the key to avoiding four bad options on the peninsula.
Navigating the Trumpscape
Navigating the Trumpscape
Feb 10, 2017 Michael Mandelbaum shares five guidelines for assessing the administration's performance now and in the months ahead.