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Melvyn B. Krauss

Melvyn B. Krauss

56 commentaries

Melvyn B. Krauss (1938-2023) was Professor Emeritus of Economics at New York University.

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  1. The ECB's Savvy Gradualism
    krauss59_ALBERTO PIZZOLIAFP via Getty Images_draghilagarde Alberto Pizzoli/AFP via Getty Images

    The ECB's Savvy Gradualism

    Dec 31, 2021 Melvyn B. Krauss thinks the eurozone's central bank is wise in eschewing rapid monetary-policy normalization.

  2. The New Franco-Italian Alliance in Europe
    krauss58_Albert CaraAnadolu Agency via Getty Images_macron draghi Albert CaraAnadolu Agency via Getty Images

    The New Franco-Italian Alliance in Europe

    Nov 24, 2021 Melvyn B. Krauss sees enormous potential in a burgeoning new alliance between the French president and the Italian prime minister.

  3. Germany's Chinese Kowtow
    krauss57_Jason Lee - PoolGetty Images_merkelxi Jason Lee/Pool/Getty Images

    Germany's Chinese Kowtow

    Nov 5, 2021 Melvyn B. Krauss explains why the next government in Berlin is unlikely to get tough with a major export market.

  4. Goodbye to the German Status Quo
    krauss56_Clemens Bilan - PoolGetty Images_baerbockscholz Clemens Bilan/Pool/Getty Images

    Goodbye to the German Status Quo

    Sep 27, 2021 Melvyn B. Krauss sees the federal election outcome as a renunciation of outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel's legacy.

  5. Joe Biden’s Nixon Strategy
    krauss55_BRENDAN SMIALOWSKIAFP via Getty Images_bidenputin Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

    Joe Biden’s Nixon Strategy

    Jul 6, 2021 Melvyn B. Krauss thinks Western leaders are right to seek a managed rapprochement with Russia.

  1. singer239_Andrew HarnikGetty Images_americafirst Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    “America First” in Action

    Peter Singer assesses the damage Donald Trump has already done to long-term US interests since returning to the White House.
  2. varoufakis124_Luke SharrettGettyImages_palantir_demo Luke Sharrett/Getty Images

    Technofeudalism Is War’s Handmaiden

    Yanis Varoufakis explains how the rise of cloud capital is steering the world toward well-known strategic traps.
  3. buiter54_FABRICE COFFRINIAFP via Getty Images_swissnationalbank Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images

    The Positive Case for Negative Rates

    Willem H. Buiter & Ebrahim Rahbari see the widely scorned monetary-policy tool as a necessary option in the absence of fiscal alternatives.
  4. ahzhang20_PETER CATTERALLAFP via Getty Images_deepseek Peter Catterall/AFP via Getty Images

    Will DeepSeek Upend US Tech Dominance?

    Angela Huyue Zhang says the firm’s disruption of the AI industry is about market – not great-power – competition.
  5. buruma222_Anna MoneymakerGettyImages_donald_trump_cross Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

    Breaking US Democracy Beyond Repair

    Ian Buruma warns that Donald Trump’s efforts to tear down America’s “civic religion” will be difficult to reverse.
  6. patten172_Scott OlsonGetty Images_trump Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Can the Liberal International Order Survive Without America?

    Chris Patten urges Western countries to safeguard the institutions that have underpinned their postwar stability.
  7. norrlof9_Chip SomodevillaGetty Images_trump Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

    Tariff Man’s Risky Bet

    Carla Norrlöf

    In betting that the economic fallout from his sweeping new tariffs will be worth the gains in border security, US President Donald Trump is gambling with America’s long-term influence and prosperity. In the future, more countries will have even stronger reasons to try to reduce their reliance on the United States.

    thinks Donald Trump's trade policies will undermine the very goals they aim to achieve.
  8. parke2_Odd AndersenGettyImages_nihon_hidankyo_nobel Odd Andersen/Getty Images

    The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

    Melissa Parke calls for eliminating arsenals to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  9. acemoglu83_Anna BarclayGetty Images_deepseek Anna Barclay/Getty Images

    A Sputnik Moment for AI?

    Daron Acemoglu

    While America’s AI industry arguably needed shaking up, the news of a Chinese startup beating Big Tech at its own game raises some difficult questions. Fortunately, if US tech leaders and policymakers can take the right lessons from DeepSeek's success, we could all end up better for it.

    considers what an apparent Chinese breakthrough means for the US tech industry, and innovation more broadly.

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