Mario Molina
Mario Molina, a 1995 Nobel laureate in chemistry, was a professor at the University of California, San Diego and the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
The Time Bomb at the Top of the World
The Time Bomb at the Top of the World
Oct 16, 2020 Mario Molina & Durwood Zaelke highlight one climate risk that alone threatens the survival of human civilization.
Climate-Friendly Cooling Can Slow Global Warming
Climate-Friendly Cooling Can Slow Global Warming
Sep 3, 2020 Durwood Zaelke & Mario Molina suggest how policymakers should respond to soaring demand for air conditioning and refrigeration.
The Climate’s Low-Hanging Fruit
The Climate’s Low-Hanging Fruit
Sep 9, 2016 Patricia Espinosa & Mario Molina say cutting hydrofluorocarbons would reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and add to energy efficiency.