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Jeffrey E. Garten

Jeffrey E. Garten

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Jeffrey E. Garten is the author of Three Days at Camp David: How a Secret Meeting in 1971 Transformed the Global Economy, published last month by HarperCollins. He is Dean Emeritus of the Yale School of Management where he teaches courses on the global economy. He previously served in the Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Clinton administrations, and was a managing director of Lehman Brothers in the 1980s and the Blackstone Group in the 1990s.

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  1. When America Remade the World Economy
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    When America Remade the World Economy

    Aug 13, 2021 Jeffrey E. Garten looks back at Richard Nixon's decision to abandon the gold standard and renegotiate the post-war settlement.

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    Shang-Jin Wei proposes steps that allies and rivals alike can take to mitigate the effects of American trade policies.

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