Ernesto Talvi
Ernesto Talvi, a former minister of foreign affairs of Uruguay, is a senior fellow at Real Instituto Elcano in Madrid.
Will the Fed Strangle Latin America Again?
Will the Fed Strangle Latin America Again?
Sep 15, 2022 Ernesto Talvi explains why rising US interest rates will not cause another “lost decade” for the region.
What’s Behind Latin America’s Jobless Recovery?
What’s Behind Latin America’s Jobless Recovery?
Oct 31, 2017 Ernesto Talvi says most theories cannot explain why unemployment remains high despite a modest uptick in growth.
Understanding Latin America’s New Political Paradigm
Understanding Latin America’s New Political Paradigm
Oct 29, 2016 Ernesto Talvi says that the nature of the region's governments directly reflects four decades of booms and busts.
IMF Therapy for Brazil
IMF Therapy for Brazil
Dec 11, 2015 Monica de Bolle & Ernesto Talvi argue that the country has little choice but to negotiate an adjustment program.
A New Trans-American Partnership
A New Trans-American Partnership
Sep 9, 2014 Ernesto Talvi calls for renewed cooperation, beginning with trade, between North and South America.