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Brian Malika

Brian Malika

3 commentaries

Brian Malika is a social worker, reproductive-health counsellor, and Founder of One More Percent, a nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of young women and girls.

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  1. Greening African Cooking
    malika3_TONY KARUMBAAFP via Getty Images_africacookingbiogas Tony Karumba/AFP via Getty Images

    Greening African Cooking

    Mar 4, 2022 Brian Malika explains how new fuels for food preparation can help the continent reduce carbon emissions and create jobs.

  2. Good Jobs for Disabled Workers
    malika2_PIUSUTOMIEKPEIAFPGettyImages_handicappedwelderworking Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty Images

    Good Jobs for Disabled Workers

    Aug 15, 2019 Brian Malika proposes ways to overcome the formidable labor-market challenges that confront too many talented job seekers.

  3. Cycling Toward Success in Kenya
    girl on bike STEFAN HEUNIS/AFP/Getty Images
    Free to read

    Cycling Toward Success in Kenya

    Jan 7, 2019 Brian Malika highlights a simple solution to the complicated problem of ensuring educational equality for rural students.

  1. qian40_MARK RALSTONAFP via Getty Images_UStradewar Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images

    Trump’s Trade War Is About More Than Trade

    Nancy Qian considers the domestic and global implications of the new US administration’s tariff policies.
  2. haldar42_ CHANDAN KHANNAAFP via Getty Images_maga Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images

    What Is MAGAnomics?

    Antara Haldar tries to make sense of the new US administration's internally contradictory economic-policy program.
  3. maxresdefault-1

    PS Events: AI Action Summit

    PS editors present the AI Action Summit event.
  4. laidi34_Maja HitijGettyImages_scholz_frederiksen Maja Hitij/Getty Images

    Europe Can and Must Resist Trump

    Zaki Laïdi explains how the European Union should respond to American imperial nationalism.
  5. bouverot1_JOEL SAGETAFP via Getty Images_aiactionsummit Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images

    Bending the Arc of AI Development Toward Shared Progress

    Anne Bouverot outlines the French government's objectives for the AI Action Summit in Paris.
  6. hampton2_Luis TatoGettyImages_somalia_debt_crisis Luis Tato/Getty Images

    Developing Countries Need a New Approach to Long-Term Financing

    Hannah Wanjie Ryder & Kate Hampton propose reforms that would facilitate low-interest lending to fund critical climate and development goals.
  7. delong267_Chip SomodevillaGetty Images_whitehousepress Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

    Trump’s Smoke and Mirrors

    J. Bradford DeLong

    As Americans and the rest of the world adapt to another four years of constant chaos, it will be important to remember that Donald Trump's principal purpose in issuing any pronouncement is to gain attention. Unfortunately, much of the US media is uninterested in helping the public separate signal from noise.

    upbraids US journalists for refusing to distinguish bluster from genuine policy initiatives.
  8. bp deepseek Photo illustration by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images

    Why Does DeepSeek Matter?

    Chinese tech startup DeepSeek’s release of a high-performance, low-cost artificial-intelligence platform has roiled financial markets and raised fundamental questions about the business models of American AI giants. Will the technology turn out to be a boon for competition in a critical industry, or should it be viewed as a geopolitical shot across the West’s bow?

  9. mazzucato79_Artur WidakNurPhotoGettyImages_amazon_web_services Artur Widak/NurPhoto/Getty Images

    Resisting Digital Feudalism

    Mariana Mazzucato

    Given the pace of AI development, policymakers and civil society must step in now to ensure that the next general-purpose technology serves the public interest. Otherwise, already dominant monopolists will supercharge the socially harmful digital business models they perfected over the past decade.

    calls for urgent action to shape the development of AI before it becomes another means of rent extraction.

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