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Paris Peace Forum

10 commentaries

  1. songwe5_ Luke DrayGetty Images_africa economy Luke Dray/Getty Images

    The Financial System Africa Needs

    Vera Songwe touts a broad array of measures that can support investment and improve debt sustainability on the continent.
  2. lamy9_David McNewGetty Images_climate change new panel David McNew/Getty Images

    Preparing for Climate Overshoot

    Pascal Lamy announces a new commission to explore how to minimize the damage if the target for global warming is missed.
  3. Paris-Peace-Forum-Promotion

    In partnership with the Paris Peace Forum, Project Syndicate has curated a selection of commentaries examining pressing challenges to global governance – and how to overcome them.

  4. ghebreyesus8_Scott OlsonGetty Images_vaccines Scott OlsonGetty Images

    Building a Better Global Health Framework

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

    The COVID-19 pandemic will not be our last. That is why, as we recover and rebuild from this crisis, we must also take steps to ensure that we can meet future disease outbreaks with effective cooperation and collaboration, instead of the kind of chaos and confusion that have exacerbated the current one.

    identifies four priorities for improving future pandemic preparedness and response.
  5. gurria8_DIMITAR DILKOFFAFP via Getty Images_bulgariajobtraining Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP via Getty Images

    New Business Models for a New Future

    Angel Gurría explains why public-private collaboration is needed to change how business is done.
  6. houngbo2_Prabin RanabhatSOPA ImageLightRocket via Getty Images_farmer rice Prabin Ranabhat/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

    How to Feed Ourselves

    Gilbert F. Houngbo proposes a strategy that would enable the world to end hunger, boost sustainability, and slash poverty.
  7. piccard3_Patrick Pleulpicture alliance via Getty Images_windturbines Patrick Pleul/picture alliance via Getty Images

    Waste Less, Earn More

    Bertrand Piccard shows how efficient clean technologies can promote both economic growth and environmental goals.
  8. breka1_THIERRY CHARLIERAFP via Getty Images_UNEUflags Thierry Charlie/AFP via Getty Images

    A European-Style United Nations

    Sandra Breka & Brian Finlay argue that the EU should serve as a model for the body's renewal – and the future of multilateralism.
  9. vaisse1_Luke DrayGetty Images_vaccine uganda covax Luke Dray/Getty Images

    The Vaccination Gap Is Jeopardizing Climate Action

    Justin Vaïsse wants the Global North to offer poorer countries a “solidarity package” encompassing vaccines and debt relief.
  1. rodrik231_Andrej IvanovGettyImages_us_canda_border Andrej Ivanov/Getty Images

    How Not to Respond to Trump’s Tariffs

    Dani Rodrik advises America’s trade partners not to embrace retaliation, because that would harm mainly themselves.
  2. landau5_Thierry MonasseGettyImages_eu_competitiveness_compass Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

    Europe Found Its Values and Lost Its Way

    Jean-Pierre Landau

    European integration – and the stability and prosperity it supports – has always depended on a pragmatic, incremental approach. If the EU is to navigate today’s challenging geopolitical environment, it must again embrace this approach, rather than continue to allow high-level principles to dictate policy.

    warns that the EU’s focus on high-level principles is undermining its economic dynamism and global influence.
  3. cferguson4_Patrick T. FallonGettyImages_jensen_huang Patrick T. Fallon/Getty Images

    The Crisis in Western AI Is Real

    Charles Ferguson

    Given the risks involved in the race for AI dominance, maintaining a strong lead within democratic advanced economies justifies a public-private strategic mobilization on the scale of the Manhattan Project. Yet the West is doing the opposite, largely owing to its own AI industry’s arrogance, shortsightedness, and greed.

    thinks the US industry bears a considerable share of the blame for China’s DeepSeek breakthrough.
  4. singer239_Andrew HarnikGetty Images_americafirst Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    “America First” in Action

    Peter Singer assesses the damage Donald Trump has already done to long-term US interests since returning to the White House.
  5. varoufakis124_Luke SharrettGettyImages_palantir_demo Luke Sharrett/Getty Images

    Technofeudalism Is War’s Handmaiden

    Yanis Varoufakis explains how the rise of cloud capital is steering the world toward well-known strategic traps.
  6. buiter54_FABRICE COFFRINIAFP via Getty Images_swissnationalbank Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images

    The Positive Case for Negative Rates

    Willem H. Buiter & Ebrahim Rahbari see the widely scorned monetary-policy tool as a necessary option in the absence of fiscal alternatives.
  7. ahzhang20_PETER CATTERALLAFP via Getty Images_deepseek Peter Catterall/AFP via Getty Images

    Will DeepSeek Upend US Tech Dominance?

    Angela Huyue Zhang says the firm’s disruption of the AI industry is about market – not great-power – competition.
  8. buruma222_Anna MoneymakerGettyImages_donald_trump_cross Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

    Breaking US Democracy Beyond Repair

    Ian Buruma warns that Donald Trump’s efforts to tear down America’s “civic religion” will be difficult to reverse.
  9. patten172_Scott OlsonGetty Images_trump Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Can the Liberal International Order Survive Without America?

    Chris Patten urges Western countries to safeguard the institutions that have underpinned their postwar stability.

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