Turkey’s Baffling Coup
No one expected a military-led putsch attempt, much less the seeming amateurishness with which it was carried out. What is certain is that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will use the episode to tighten his grip on power.
No one expected a military-led putsch attempt, much less the seeming amateurishness with which it was carried out. What is certain is that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will use the episode to tighten his grip on power.
GRANADA – Military coups – successful or otherwise – follow a predictable pattern in Turkey. Political groups – typically Islamists – deemed by soldiers to be antagonistic to Kemal Atatürk’s vision of a secular Turkey gain increasing power. Tensions rise, often accompanied by violence on the streets. Then the military steps in, exercising what the soldiers claim is their constitutional power to restore order and secular principles.