kuttab37_Jaafar Ashtiyeh Stringer_ Palenstinian protestors Jaafar Ashtiyeh/Stringer

Trump’s Palestine Quandary

This week’s meeting between US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was supposed to focus on their shared desire to reverse the Iran nuclear deal. But the Israeli Knesset’s retroactive legalization of settlements in Palestinian territory will probably require a reshuffling of priorities.

RAMALLAH – This week’s meeting between US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu – the first between the two leaders since Trump took office – was supposed to focus on their shared desire to reverse the Iran nuclear deal. But the Israeli Knesset’s retroactive legalization of settlements and outposts constructed in the occupied West Bank will probably require a reshuffling of priorities. Trump and Netanyahu are going to have to talk Palestine.
