The new push for deregulation in the US and the EU would be unlikely to yield substantial benefits in the best of times, not least because regulatory burdens are so difficult to measure. When the push is guided by a bias toward special interest groups – as seems to be true under Donald Trump – it is likely to do more harm than good.
explains why the new push for deregulation in the United States and the European Union may not help either.
By insisting on its own supremacy, the executive branch of the US government under President Donald Trump is effectively seeking to alter America’s constitutional framework of checks and balances among co-equal branches of government. Trump has no authority to execute this change, but that will not be enough to stop him.
observes that the president's claim of supremacy over the courts amounts to tossing out the US Constitution.
While AI could deliver profound benefits for all of society, it is likely to do the opposite if governments remain passive bystanders. Policymakers must step in now to foster a decentralized innovation ecosystem that serves the public good, and they must wake up to all the ways that things can go wrong.
explain why the UK government’s recently released AI “action plan” misses the mark.
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