Microeconomics for All

For the last half-century, undergraduate-level microeconomics has focused on simple and unrealistic hypotheticals, sending the message that real-world microeconomic thinking should be left to the experts. But grasping realistic microeconomic scenarios does not require years of research experience.

TOULOUSE – For the last half-century, the world’s leading universities have taught microeconomics through the lens of the Arrow-Debreu model of general competitive equilibrium. The model, formalizing a central insight of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, embodies the beauty, simplicity, and lack of realism of the two fundamental theorems of competitive equilibrium, in contrast to the messiness and complexity of modifications made by economists in an effort to capture better the way the world actually functions. In other words, while researchers attempt to grasp complex, real-world situations, students are pondering unrealistic hypotheticals.
