Merkel and Macron Handout/Getty Images

Can “Mercron” Deliver for Europe?

If French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have one thing going for them, it is their own mutual desire to make their partnership work. Ideally, they will enter into an open political marriage from which all of Europe will benefit, rather than an exclusive relationship that breeds resentment.

BERLIN – Confidence has returned to Europe’s chancelleries just in the nick of time, what with US President Donald Trump due in Europe in a few days. During the annus horribilis of 2016, many feared for the European Union’s survival. But in 2017, there is renewed hope for the European project, owing to Emmanuel Macron’s election as president of France, and electoral defeats for populists in the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany, as well as Trump’s plunging popularity at home.