willems6_ Eko Siswono ToyudhoAnadolu AgencyGetty Images_riot police press freedom Eko Siswono Toyudho/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Preventing the Death of Independent Journalism

From physical attacks to economic strain to COVID-19 restrictions, independent journalists are struggling to do their jobs. Given their vital role in enabling informed debate and promoting political accountability, governments must take urgent action to protect them.

AMSTERDAM – A story too good to fact-check is the tale of the boiled frog. Rather than being dropped directly into boiling water – from which it would instantly jump – the frog is slid gently into a pot of comfortably warm water, and the heat is turned up. By the time the frog realizes that the water has gotten too hot, it is too late, and it is boiled alive. Independent journalism may now be confronting a similar scenario.
