Robert Harvey
Robert Harvey, a former member of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, is the author of Global Disorder and A Few Bloody Noses: The Realities and Mythologies of the American Revolution.
Faster than a Speeding Congressman
Faster than a Speeding Congressman
Jul 12, 2017 Robert Harvey examines the new phenomenon of the supra-politician, who rockets to power – and then often crashes.
Stay the Course With Rouhani
Stay the Course With Rouhani
May 21, 2017 Robert Harvey urges US President Donald Trump not to withdraw the US from the Iran nuclear deal.
The Temptation of Theresa May
The Temptation of Theresa May
Mar 31, 2017 Robert Harvey thinks the UK can achieve favorable Brexit terms if the prime minister manages her party's fringe.
How Dangerous Is Putin?
Free to read
How Dangerous Is Putin?
Jan 26, 2017 Robert Harvey doubts that Russia poses a serious threat to the West, given its weakening economy.
Theresa May and the Three Brexiteers
Theresa May and the Three Brexiteers
Aug 25, 2016 Robert Harvey assesses the new UK government's emerging strategy for managing the EU withdrawal process.