Naomi Wolf
Naomi Wolf played a leading role in so-called “third-wave” feminism and as an advocate of “power feminism,” which holds that women must assert themselves politically in order to achieve their goals. She advised the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Her books include The Beauty Myth, The End of America and, most recently, Vagina: A Biography.
Powerless Women in Power?
Powerless Women in Power?
Sep 30, 2014 Naomi Wolf argues that women politicians are gaining power in nation-states that are losing much of theirs.
Hope for High-Tech Mothers
Hope for High-Tech Mothers
Aug 30, 2014 Naomi Wolf praises a new job platform for highly skilled women from around the world.
Unholy War
Unholy War
Jul 31, 2014 Naomi Wolf argues that what really is at stake in Gaza is Israel's soul.
The Poverty of Hillary Clinton
The Poverty of Hillary Clinton
Jun 30, 2014 Naomi Wolf warns that the presumptive Democratic nominee in 2016 is her own worst enemy.
The Feminine Leadership Mystique
The Feminine Leadership Mystique
May 28, 2014 Naomi Wolf says that the debate about women's leadership styles is really about moving the goalposts.