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Asia’s Cities Against North Korea

Spurred by North Korea’s increasing belligerence, Asia’s cities are working hard to protect their citizens from the threat of nuclear conflict. But, beyond emergency-response preparedness, cities can and should play a central role in helping to avoid conflict and defuse tensions.

TOKYO – As Tokyo – and towns and cities across Japan – look ahead to 2018, they are dusting off long-neglected civil-defense infrastructure and nuclear-attack procedures. Schoolchildren are practicing the kinds of nuclear-safety drills that I endured during my childhood, at the height of the Cold War. Police and emergency first responders are brushing up on measures that had fallen into disuse since the 1990s. Hospitals are undergoing stress tests of their readiness. Fallout shelters are being inspected and restored. And the potential of new innovations and resources to reinforce civilians’ security is being explored.
