pa3545c.jpg Paul Lachine

America Adrift

President Barack Obama’s awkward response to Syria’s use of chemical weapons has fueled criticism that his administration lacks clear foreign-policy objectives. Such a charge will not go unnoticed by America’s Asian allies, who remain nonplussed about the precise implications of America’s strategic “pivot” to Asia.

TOKYO – US President Barack Obama’s hesitations, ambivalence, U-turns, and political gamesmanship with the US Congress over punishing Syria for its use of chemical weapons has achieved only two things with certainty: it has raised Russia’s diplomatic profile for the first time in many years, and it has spooked those of America’s allies – from Saudi Arabia and Israel to Japan and South Korea – that rely heavily on US promises. To minimize the impact of both consequences, the United States now must enforce with utmost determination its agreement with Russia on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons. But will it do so?