5c092d0346f86f400c309202_pa3795c.jpg Paul Lachine

Europe is Not the United States

A key argument made by European officials and other defenders of the euro has been that, because a single currency works well in the US, it should work well in Europe as well. But, while both are large, continental, and diverse economies, the similarities end there.

CAMBRIDGE – Europe is now struggling with the inevitable adverse consequences of imposing a single currency on a very heterogeneous collection of countries. But the budget crisis in Greece and the risk of insolvency in Italy and Spain are just part of the problem caused by the single currency. The fragility of the major European banks, high unemployment rates, and the large intra-European trade imbalance (Germany’s $200 billion current-account surplus versus the combined $300 billion current-account deficit in the rest of the eurozone) also reflect the use of the euro.
