Can Navalny Save Russia?

In 1811, assessing the possibility – or, rather, the impossibility – of Russia ever undergoing a Western-style transformation, Joseph de Maistre famously wrote that, “Every nation has the government it deserves.” Moscow's mayoral election on September 8 promises to put that maxim to the test.

MOSCOW – In 1811, assessing the possibility – or, rather, the impossibility – of Russia ever undergoing a Western-style transformation, the diplomat and counter-Enlightenment philosopher Joseph de Maistre famously wrote, “Every nation has the government it deserves.” Fourteen years later, the Decembrist revolt – a movement of poets and army officers to topple Czar Nicholas I and establish a constitutional monarchy – seemed to refute de Maistre’s claim. Yet the revolt was suppressed, and the Decembrists were executed or exiled. One doomed officer famously declared, “You can’t hang us all.”