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Preventing the Next Zoonotic Pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis was the predictable result of a careless approach to conservation that we have yet to correct. Now that we have witnessed how much economic destruction and human dislocation a single virus can cause, there can be no excuse for further delay.

WASHINGTON, DC – The devastation wrought by COVID-19 underscores the need for measures to minimize the chances of another zoonotic pandemic. That means radically changing how humans interact with wildlife and natural habitats, preserving terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, and overhauling food production. Otherwise, another contagion originating from animals could arrive at any time, compounding the disastrous legacy of COVID-19. Worse, this would feed into a vicious cycle: less money for conservation would lead to even more pressure placed on natural habitats, more human-wildlife contact, and a greater chance of more outbreaks.
