Sri Lanka President Maithripali Sirisena Sri Lanka President Maithripali Sirisena/Gayan Sameera/ZumaPress

Winning Sri Lanka’s Peace

Today, a half-decade after the end of its 36-year civil war, Sri Lanka has reached a pivotal moment in its own efforts to consolidate peace. The new government is determined to win that peace, and to help the country become a prosperous island of democracy, civility, and open society.

COLOMBO – Winning a war or revolution, only to lose the subsequent peace, is one of the grim political truths of our time. In Iraq, a quick military victory over Saddam Hussein’s regime soon gave way to insurgency, civil war, and the rise of the murderous Islamic State. In Libya, Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere, the hopes unleashed by the Arab Spring have similarly turned into an often-violent despair.