Highway billboard of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. sarahchats/Flickr

The Assad Dead End

A policy for resolving the conflict in Syria that posits Bashar al-Assad as an “alternative” to the Islamic State is simply not viable. But that hasn't stopped Western advocates of such an approach from trotting out one fallacious argument after another.

PARIS – Forget principles and morality. Forget, or try to forget, the quarter-million deaths for which Bashar al-Assad is responsible, directly or indirectly, since choosing to respond with violence to a peaceful uprising of the Syrian people. Set aside the fact that Assad’s forces have caused 10-15 times more civilian deaths thus far than the Islamic State, whose horrific execution videos have overshadowed the Syrian dictator’s invisible massacres. But even if you can purge all of this from your thoughts, a policy for Syria that posits Assad as an “alternative” to the Islamic State is simply not viable.
