Bibi’s Big Surprise

Israel's election revealed a deeply divided society with a fragmented and dysfunctional political system that cannot produce a leader able to negotiate seriously with the Palestinians and deal with the country’s socioeconomic problems. The next election may not be far off.

NEW YORK – Binyamin Netanyahu proved the pollsters wrong – not once, but twice. In the weeks and days leading up to Israel’s election, his defeat was widely predicted. Then, in the hours after the vote, exit polls suggested parity between his Likud party and the center-left Zionist Union, led by his chief rival, Yitzhak Herzog, with a slight edge for the right-wing bloc. Several hours after the polls closed, it turned out that Likud was the big winner, gaining 30 of the Knesset’s 120 seats, compared to 24 for the Zionist Union.