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Investing in Africa’s Health

COVID-19 has reversed some of the progress made in the fight to eradicate AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis in Africa. But, despite high inflation and an uncertain economic outlook, African governments can take several steps to strengthen local health systems and bolster the continent’s defenses against future epidemics.

KIGALI – There was a time, not so long ago, when an HIV diagnosis was a death sentence. AIDS, together with tuberculosis and malaria, killed millions of people and overwhelmed health systems worldwide – especially in Africa. But the world came together and fought back. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, established in 2002, is an unparalleled success story. Cooperation between developed and developing countries, the private sector, civil society, and affected communities has saved 44 million lives, and the combined death rate from these three diseases has been reduced by more than half.
