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The New Inflation Picture

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the bond market's 5-10 year projection of annual chain-weighted personal-consumption-expenditures inflation reached 2.27%, raising concerns that another big shock could de-anchor inflation expectations. But since that didn't happen, the Federal Reserve now should reconsider its position.

BERKELEY – At the start of February 2022, the five-year, five-year-forward consumer-price-index (CPI) inflation break-even rate in the US bond market was hovering at around 2% per year – a figure that corresponds to a chain-weighted personal-consumption-expenditures (PCE) inflation forecast of 1.6% per year 5-10 years from now. Since 1.6% inflation is materially below the US Federal Reserve’s 2% target, I entered that month feeling quite good about being on “Team Transitory” – or at least on “Team The Fed Has Got This” or “Team Inflation Expectations Remain Solidly Anchored.”