Chinese sculptures

China’s Crisis of Miscommunication

In the run-up to major policy decisions in China, editorials by senior officials in major publications, as well as reports and communiqués from official forums and meetings, almost always provide clues about what will happen. The problem is that markets do not seem to know how to read them.

SHANGHAI – At a forum in Canberra last year, Andrew Sheng quipped, “China is transparent, but only in the Chinese sense.” The statement provoked laughter among those who view China’s decision-making processes as opaque; but it was laughter born of the recognition that Sheng was right. In the run-up to a major policy decision in China, editorials by high-ranking authorities in major publications, as well as reports and communiqués from official forums and meetings, almost always provide clues about what will happen. You just have to know how to read them.