cda67f0346f86f900c795f0c_m4688c.jpg Barrie Maguire

China’s Syrian Folly

In vetoing the UN Security Council’s draft resolution on Syria, China claims that it has acted in the interests of the Syrian people. In fact, the Chinese stance has effectively ensured that atrocities in Syria will continue and increase in intensity – and that China's soft power will diminish throughout the Middle East.

NOTTINGHAM – In vetoing the United Nations Security Council’s draft resolution on Syria, China claims that it has acted in the interests of the Syrian people, a position articulated in the People’s Daily, the newspaper of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, in a commentary appearing under the penname Zhong Sheng. The characters for “Zhong Sheng” mean the sound of a bell, but they are phonetically the same as “the voice of China.” The word play was no accident: the voice of China on this issue is as clear as a bell.