OnPoint Subscriber Exclusive
Interviews feature exclusive interviews with prominent leaders and thinkers on issues of global importance.

The Roots of Our Discontent
With industrialized countries beset by a political backlash against trade, technology, migration, and other hallmarks of the modern global economy, expert solutions are needed now more than ever. But until the experts themselves can reclaim the public’s trust, populists will continue to dictate the terms of policymaking.
TRENTO – Every spring, the Trento Festival of Economics convenes some of the world’s leading economists to discuss the issues of the day in open dialogue with one another and the public. In the following interview, the festival’s director, Italian economist Tito Boeri of Bocconi University, and Raghuram G. Rajan, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and currently Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, discuss a wide range of topics relating to this year’s theme: “Globalization, Nationalism, and Representation.”