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A Violent World Is a Hungrier World

It is no coincidence that both hunger and violent conflict are rising at an alarming rate. Owing to the increasingly interconnected and homogenized nature of food systems, the disruptive effects of war, climate change, and other man-made problems are fueling each other in a dangerous self-perpetuating cycle.

STOCKHOLM – After decades of progress, world hunger is rising again – and fast. In 2021, around 30% of the world’s population – more than 2.3 billion people – could not be sure of having enough food year-round, and 12% faced severe food insecurity, meaning they had run out of food and gone for days without eating. The number of people in this latter category has nearly doubled since 2014, and most of the increase has happened since 2019. In 2021, some 45 million people were at risk of famine – having no food at all. And, of course, behind these headline figures are yawning geographic disparities: Over 20% of Africa’s population faces moderate or severe food insecurity, compared to only 2.5% in North America and Europe.