Elon Musk, Chairman, CEO of Tesla Motors, addresses a press conference VCG/VCG via Getty Images

Time for a Boardroom Reckoning

While executive pay got the most attention at this year's annual general meetings, investors and the public are deeply concerned about several other issues as well. Some are better known than others, but all will require urgent attention in the coming months.

LONDON – Gone are the days when annual general meeting season – the time of year when executives and directors of publicly traded companies gather to report on their activities, accounts, and plans to shareholders – went by unnoticed. Ever since the 2012 “Shareholder Spring,” shareholders have stopped acting as passive recipients of companies’ reports or obedient rubber-stampers of their plans and pay packages, and started actively and publicly questioning board decisions, airing grievances, and submitting proposals for change. This shift is long overdue, and it will transform how business operates, whether companies like it or not.
