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The Kremlin’s Little Green Duds

In the decade since the European Union forged a stronger partnership with the Eastern European countries on Russia's doorstep, the Kremlin has tried desperately to reassert its sphere of influence, even launching illegal incursions into Ukraine. Yet it is now clear that Russia's efforts have backfired spectacularly.

STOCKHOLM – Five years ago this month, a small force of “little green men” – soldiers wearing no national insignia – seized control of a police station in Sloviansk, a small village in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast. Thus began the second stage of Russia’s campaign to dismember Ukraine, following its illegal annexation of Crimea that March. As the Kremlin’s own statements at the time made clear, Russia’s goal was to establish a semi-independent statelet – “Novorossiya (New Russia)” – in Southern Ukraine, and reduce the rest of the country into a kind of Greater Galicia.