sierakowski92_WOJTEK RADWANSKI,DAMIEN SIMONARTAFP via Getty Images_polandmissile Wojtek Radwanski, Damien Simon/AFP via Getty Images

The Rocket Attack That Wasn’t

Firmness and unity on the part of the West are essential to Ukraine’s defense and Russia’s defeat, which may decide the fate of the world for decades. But the recent explosion in Poland triggered an astonishing sequence of events, driven by astonishing bungling by everyone but the Americans.

WARSAW – The rocket strike that killed two Poles near their country’s border with Ukraine on November 15 proved to be a test not so much of defense policy as of the information policy of Poland, Ukraine, and NATO. Only the Americans passed. The European allies and Ukraine floundered, revealing a shocking lack of preparation for a scenario that could have been predicted almost from the beginning of the war.