Helicopters on a Leash

Monetary finance – or "helicopter drops" of newly printed cash – is the one policy that will always stimulate nominal demand, even when other policies, such as debt-financed fiscal deficits or negative interest rates, are ineffective. And there is no reason why rules cannot be devised to mitigate the political risk of excessive use.

PARIS – Faced with a slowing global economy, a number of observers – including former US Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke and Berkeley economist Brad DeLong – have argued that money-financed fiscal expansion should not be excluded from the policy toolkit. But talk of such “helicopter drops” of newly printed money has produced a strong counterattack, including from Michael Heise, the chief economist of Allianz, and Koichi Hamada, the chief economic adviser to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and one of the architects of Japan’s “Abenomics” economic-recovery program.
