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Europe's Latest Humiliation

Donald Trump humiliated the European Union by annulling the Iran nuclear deal, and now Joe Biden has done so by announcing the new AUKUS agreement with Australia and the UK. But as much as Europe's leaders may protest, the EU's subordination to the US reflects a conscious choice that they have made.

ATHENS – A “brutal lesson in geopolitics,” is how the Berlin newspaper Der Tagesspiegel described the announcement of AUKUS, the new security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The deal is not just a major financial blow to France, whose contract to deliver 12 submarines to Australia for $A50 billion ($36 billion) was unceremoniously ditched in the process. Perhaps even more important was that US President Joe Biden chose to announce AUKUS in a manner that can only be interpreted as a deliberate humiliation of France and, by association, the rest of the European Union.