coulibaly8_IAN LANGSDONAFP via Getty Images_G7FranceGermanyAfrica Ian Langsdon/AFP via Getty Images

The Unfinished Agenda of Financing Africa’s COVID-19 Response

The continent’s pandemic-response funding gap is likely to amount to some $100 billion annually over the next three years. The international community – especially the G7, the G20, and multilateral development banks – must take bold, innovative, and expeditious action to close it.

WASHINGTON, DC – As summer winds down, another wave of COVID-19 infections looms. While cases remain under control in Cambodia, Denmark, Mauritius, and Morocco, they are on the rise in Ethiopia and parts of the United States. Infections have risen so sharply in France, Kenya, and Spain that new lockdowns may be imminent. In Brazil and South Africa, the peak may be yet to come.