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What Would a Le Pen Presidency Mean for France, Europe, and NATO?

The Big Question is a new feature in which Project Syndicate commentators provide compelling answers to a timely question.

Although French President Emmanuel Macron leads his extreme right-wing challenger Marine Le Pen in the opinion polls ahead of this Sunday’s runoff, cost-of-living concerns are featuring prominently in the campaign and millions of voters remain undecided. Against the backdrop of Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine, could Le Pen yet cause a political earthquake that would arguably surpass Brexit and Donald Trump’s election in its impact on the West?

In this Big Question, we ask Benedicte Berner, Joschka Fischer, Maciej Kisilowski, and Charles A. Kupchan to assess the likely domestic and international impact of a Le Pen victory.

Featured in this Big Question

  1. Benedicte BernerBenedicte Berner
  2. Joschka FischerJoschka Fischer
  3. Maciej KisilowskiMaciej Kisilowski
  4. Charles A. KupchanCharles A. Kupchan;

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