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  • In 2021, governments around the world united behind the exhortation to “build back better” from the COVID-19 crisis. But sloganeering will offer little respite for a world that has only just begun to reckon with the systemic challenges posed by recrudescent nationalism, rising debt levels, cyber warfare, new technologies, and other distinctly twenty-first-century challenges.

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    1. banerjee2 Getty Images

      The Year of Results

      Abhijit Banerjee & Cheyenne Olivier dwell on a new source of collective anxiety, and on what it says about today's political leaders.
    2. sachs350 Getty Images

      America's Struggle at Home

      Jeffrey D. Sachs explains why the social and political outlook for the coming years is fraught with peril.
    3. case3 Getty Images

      America's Killer Capitalism

      Anne Case & Angus Deaton show that there are no excuses for the declining prospects among less-educated cohorts.
    4. tubiana12 Getty Images

      Europe's Time to Shine

      Laurence Tubiana considers the domestic obstacles the European Union will face in its bid for global climate leadership.
    5. anheier11 Getty Images

      Germany's Post-Merkel Checklist

      Helmut K. Anheier & Edward L. Knudsen explain why the country's new leadership must change everything in order to keep things the same.
    6. aibrahim2 Getty Images

      To Democracy and Back in Southeast Asia

      Anwar Ibrahim argues that the poor will suffer most from the return of authoritarianism in the region.
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    8. menon1 Getty Images

      Asia's Regional Threats

      Shivshankar Menon considers the myriad security risks that the region will have to confront over the next year.
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      Shinzo Abe’s Asia-Pacific

      Minxin Pei shows how the former Japanese prime minister’s strategy for dealing with China continues to shape the region.
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      Brazil's Besieged Democracy

      Camila Villard Duran warns that President Jair Bolsonaro's failures are obscuring his success in restoring the military to power.
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      The Middle East's Backwater Blues

      Marwan Muasher notes that while the region is undergoing rapid change, misgovernance remains a defining problem.
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      Post-Peak China

      Chris Patten worries that mounting existential problems could make President Xi Jinping's regime even more dangerous.
    13. rudd17 Getty Images

      Preventing a US-China Nuclear Arms Race

      Kevin Rudd proposes confidence-building measures to forestall a dangerous Cold War-style escalation.

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